Monday, March 30, 2020

Danger back tne and danger today TB Shabbat 24

Today’s daf TB Shabbat 24 concludes the discussion of the laws of Hanukkah. The Rabbi’s debate whether we need to add prayers like Al Hanisim for Hanukkah and Ya’aleh Veyavo for Rosh Hodesh in Grace after meals and in all the various Amidot (plural for Amidah). Even though the Gemara is inconclusive, universal tradition is to add Al Hanisim and Ya’aleh Veyavo to all our prayers.

Everybody who is a regular davener knows that we repeat the Amidah in our Shacharit (morning) and Mincha (afternoon) services, but not during Ma’ariv (evening) services. Nevertheless, on Friday night we do say something that the rabbis instituted that they considered to be like a repetition of the Amidah. We sing four short paragraphs that includes Magan Avot. During the week people found it difficult to attend services because many times the synagogue was on the outskirts of town and far away from their homes. Consequently, they davened on their own and in their own houses. But on Friday they would go to their local synagogue to welcome the Shabbat. The Gemara explains the reason why the added these prayers.

“Sages who instituted repetition of the prayer due to concern for potential danger.” ( translation) Rashi explains what the danger was. The Sages sought to slightly delay those leaving the synagogue to enable people who came late to leave together with the rest of the worshippers. This was necessary because synagogues were often located beyond the city limits, and it was dangerous to walk alone at night.

How different are the times today. Back then the parishioners might be in danger. Today I know if I elongate the service by adding extra prayers and readings I might be the one in danger from my congregants. J

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