Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Not so fast Rav Ḥisda TB Eiruvin 9

Yesterday’s daf TB Eiruvin 8 concluded that everybody agrees when one is using a side post, lekhi- לחי, one may only carry up to it but no further. “Rav Ḥisda said: All concede that utilizing the area between the side posts placed at the entrance to an alleyway to permit carrying is prohibited, for a side post functions as a partition, and therefore one may only use the space up to its inner edge, but no further.” (Sefaria.org translation) Tosefot explains why the difference between a crossbeam, koreh- קורה, and a lekhi is significant. A koreh is generally 1 handbreadth wide. Although the lekhi must be 10 handbreadth tall, its width may be as small as possible, משהוא. The error of margin is too great for such a small area; consequently, Rav Ḥisda says that all concede that one may carry up to the lekhi, but no farther.

 Today’s daf Eiruvin 9 says not so fast. There is a disagreement how far one may carry in an alleyway that is adjusted with a lekhi. Rava and Abaye come to different conclusions based on what Rabbi Yoḥanan told Rabbi Zakkai to do with his baraita. “Rabbi Zakkai taught the following baraita before Rabbi Yoḥanan: The area between the side posts and beneath the cross beam has the legal status of a karmelit, and it is forbidden to carry in it. Rabbi Yoḥanan said to him: Exit and teach this halakha outside, i.e., this baraita is not in accordance with the accepted halakha, and therefore it should not be made part of the regular learning in the study hall.” (Sefaria.org translation)

 The disagreement between Rava and Abaye revolve on whether Rabbi Yoḥanan rejected the entire baraita or just one half of it. “The Gemara records a dispute with regard to the scope of Rabbi Yoḥanan’s statement: Abaye said: Rabbi Yoḥanan’s statement is reasonable with regard to the area beneath the cross beam, as only the area beneath the cross beam should be considered a private domain, but between the side posts, carrying is indeed prohibited, in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Zakkai. And Rava said: The entire statement of Rabbi Zakkai is to be rejected, as Rabbi Yoḥanan asserted, and even in the area between the side posts carrying is permitted.(Sefaria.org translation) Thanks to Rava’s conclusion, not everybody can see that one may carry up to the lekhi, but no farther!

 The rest of the daf challenges both Rava and Abaye’s position to see which best understands Rabbi Yoḥanan’s position. I have to admit that the following discussion is intricate and difficult at times. The Gemara is inconclusive who has a better understanding of Rabbi Yoḥanan’s position. However, the halakha follows Rava’s position and one may carry to the far edge of the lekhi.

I would just like to add this interesting generational observation. Rabbi Yoḥanan is a second generation Amora. Rav Ḥisda is a third generation Amora. Rava and Abaye are fourth generation Amora’im.




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