Friday, April 8, 2022

Passover games for your seder 5782

Which one of these is not like the other? Passover edition. The correct answer is in bold font.


1)      Which one of these is not like the other?

a)      “Let my people go.”

b)      “Man does not live by bread alone.”

c)      “The green eyed monster” (Othello act three scene three)

d)     A leopard doesn’t change its spots.”


2)      Which one of these is not like the other?

a)      Jerusalem

b)     Yavneh

c)      B’nai Brak

d)      Pitom


3)      Which one of these is not like the other?

a)      Rabbi Eliezer

b)      Rabbi Joshua

c)      Rabbi Akiva

d)     Rabbi Meir


4)      Which one of these is not like the other?

a)      Middle of the night by Elley Duhe

b)      And it came to pass at midnight!

c)      כִי לוֹ נָאֶה, כִי לוֹ יָאֶה to Him praise is becoming

d)      Adir Hu He is mighty


5)      Which one is not like the other?

a)      Abraham

b)     Moses (He is not mentioned in the Haggadah)

c)      Pharaoh

d)     Laban


6)      Which one is not like the other?

a)      Stan Lee

b)     Jim Lee

c)      Bob Kane

d)     Siegel and Shuster                  (They are all Jewish)


7)      Which one is not like the other?

a)      Magneto (Max Eisenhardt

b)      The Thing (Benjamin Jacob Grimm)

c)      The Hulk (Bruce Banner)

d)     Dr. Manhattan (John Osterman) (They are all Jewish)


8)      Which one is not like the other?

a)      Cockroaches

b)      wild beasts

c)      frogs

d)     locusts


9)      Which one is not like the other?

a)      Marror

b)      Matzah

c)      Paschal lamb

d)     Charoset


10)  Which one is not like the other?

a)      Wine

b)     Fathers

c)      Mothers

d)     Sons or children


Two truths and a lie-Passover edition

Can you spot the lie amongst the truths?

Answers are in bold font


1.      The three pilgrimage holidays are Tu Bishvat, Passover, Shavuot.

Tisha B’Av and Yom Kippur are fast days.

We are commanded to feast on Purim.


2.       On Passover we recite Birkat Tal, the prayer for dew.

On Shemini Atzeret we recite Birkat Geshem, the prayer for rain.

On Hanukkah we recite Birkat Sheleg, the prayer for snow.


3.      Haggadah is the name of the book we use around the Seder table.

Machzor is the name of the book we use during High Holiday services.

TeNaCH is the name of the Hebrew prayer book.


4.      The youngest child recites the four questions.

Rabban Gamliel requires four things to be said to fulfill one’s obligation.

We drink 4 cups of wine on Passover.


5.      The 10 stars in Joseph’s dream represent the 10 tribes

We remove 10 drops of wine from our cup when we recite the 10 plagues.

Moses received the 10 Commandments upon Mount Sinai.


6.      From the time water is introduced to the flour no more than 18 minutes can elapse before the dough becomes hametz.

In Gematria Chai equals 18

During the 40 years the Israelites encamped at 18 different oases.


7.      The book of the Maccabees is found in the Apocrypha.

The book Song of Songs is found in the Apocrypha.

The book of Judith is found in the Apocrypha.


8.      One of the three cardinal sins is eating hametz during Passover.

One of the three cardinal sins is idolatry.

One of the three cardinal sins is murder.


9.      Moses was an Israelite.

Moses was a Levite.

Moses was the greatest prophet of all.


10.  The roasted shank bone represents the Paschal sacrifice.

The roasted egg represents the Haggigah, holiday, sacrifice.

The Maror represents the bitterness of wandering the desert for 40 years. 

Answer key


1.      The three pilgrimage holidays are Passover,,Shavuot, and Sukkot.

2.      There is no such thing as Birkat Sheleg. It rarely snows in Israel.

3.      TeNaCH is the name for the Hebrew Bible. It is an acronym for T= Torah, N= Neviim (Prophets), Ch=Ketuvim, writings.

4.      Rabban Gamliel only requires explaining three things, Pesach, Matzah, Maror.

5.      Joseph dream had 11 stars and they represented his 11 brothers.

6.      According to Numbers 33 there were 28 stations during the four years of wandering.

7.      Song of Songs is found in the Bible in the section called Writings.

8.      Although eating hametz during Passover is a sin, it is not a cardinal sin.

9.      Moses was a Levite.

10.  Maror symbolizes the bitterness of slavery Helpful Hint: Watch the movie The 10 Commandments

Guess who the star is who had a role in the movie the 10 Commandments. Clues in which the actor performed in another role are given. The sooner you guess the actor, the more points you earn.


1)      Robert Vaughn (spear man and Hebrew around Golden calf)

a.       Chester A Gwynn (The young Philadelphians)

b.      Walter Chalmers (Bullitt)

c.       The gunmen Lee (The magnificent seven)

d.      Napoleon Solo (the Man from Uncle)


2)      Anne Baxter (Nefertiti)

a.       Teresina Vidaverri (Walk on the Wild Side)

b.      Constance Mae 'Mike' (Yellow Sky)

c.       Sophie MacDonald (The Razor’s Edge)

d.      Eve (All about Eve)


3)      Yvonne De Carlo (Zippora)

a.       Aunt Rosa (Oscar)

b.      Anna (Criss Cross)

c.       Deborah McCoy (Buccaneer’s Girl)

d.      Lily Munster


4)      Edward G Robinson (Datan)

a.       Barton Keyes (Double Indemnity)

b.      Johnny Rocco (Key Largo)

c.       Mr. Wilson (the Stranger)

d.      Caesar Enrico 'Rico' Bandello / 'Little Caesar' (Little Caesar)


5)      Charlton Heston (Moses and God)

a.       Henry Hooker (Tombstone)

b.      Steve Leech (The Big Country)

c.       George Taylor (Planet of the Apes)

d.      Judah Ben Hur (Ben Hur)




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