Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Great is the dignity (kavod) due to God’s creatures #parashathashavua#Vayigash

The flashing lights of the police car drew my attention to a motorist who had been pulled over for a traffic violation. As the officer, ticket book in hand, walked back to his car, I could clearly see the embarrassed driver sitting helplessly behind the wheel of her car. With her hands, she attempted to block her face from the view of passersby—hoping to hide her identity. Her actions were a reminder to me of how embarrassing it can be when we are exposed by our choices and their consequences.

Even though he was very emotional when Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, very often when people are emotionally excited, they’ve become so confused that they entirely forget about the feelings of others and are apt to embarrass them.  He removed all those Egyptians standing around him so he could speak to his brothers alone.  ” Joseph could no longer control himself before all his attendance, and he cried out, “Have everyone withdraw from me!” (Gen. 45:1)

Rabbi Zeleg Pliskin explains why in his book Love Your Neighbor.  “Joseph did not reveal his identity until he had dismissed all the Egyptians from the room in order there’s brothers should not be shamed by recounting of their sin the presence of others. (Rabbi Yehuda Leib Chasman in Ohr Yohail,  vol 2, Vayiggash) 

“Very often when people are emotionally excited, they become so confused that they entirely forget about the feelings of others and are apt to embarrass them. We must be on our guard not to shame anyone, no matter what the circumstances.” (Page 120)

Our sages teach us, “Great is the dignity (kavod) due to God’s creatures” (Bava Batra 10a) which is a very important lesson not only in Joseph days, but also our own.


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