Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Unreasonable requests with God's reasonable responses TB Taanit 4

 Today's daf TB Taanit 4 contains a long piece of Aggada as an introduction to an important theological understanding of God's relationship with Israel and I would add with the world. It begins by saying that three people, Eliezer, King Saul, and Yiftakh, entreated God with an unreasonable request. God responded reasonably to Eliezer's and King Saul's request, but did not respond reasonably to Yiftakh's request. The Gemara now turns his attention to Israel's unreasonable requests

"Rabbi Berekhya said: The Congregation of Israel also entreated God unreasonably, and yet the Holy One, Blessed be He, responded reasonably, as it is stated: “And let us know, eagerly strive to know the Lord. His going forth is sure as the morning, and He will come to us as the rain” (Hosea 6:3). They compared the revelation of God to the rain.

"In response, the Holy One, Blessed be He, said to the Jewish people: My daughter, you request the manifestation of My Presence by comparing Me to a matter, rain, that is sometimes desired, but is sometimes undesired, e.g., during the summer (when it is consided a curse). However, I will be to you like a matter that is always desired, dew, as it is stated: “I will be as the dew to Israel” (Hosea 14:6), since dew appears in all seasons and is invariably a blessing.

And the Congregation of Israel further entreated God unreasonably in another context, saying before Him: Master of the Universe: “Set me as a seal upon Your heart, as a seal upon Your arm” (Song of Songs 8:6). The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to her: My daughter, you ask that I be manifest to you in a matter that is sometimes visible and sometimes not visible, as the heart and arm are not covered. However, I will act so that I manifest Myself for you like a matter that is always visible, as it is stated: “Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands, your walls are continually before me” (Isaiah 49:16). (Sefaria.org translation)

No matter how you conceive God to be and no matter how distant you feel  from God, you have 24/7 access pass to the Holy One Blessed be He. King David sang, "The LORD is near to all who call Him, to all who call Him with sincerity."  (Psalm 145:18) I believe that God is always by our side, helping us, encouraging us, and strengthening us to meet and overcome our challenges and problems. Just as dew is a regular blessing for the world so too God be a blessing for those who call upon Him. That doesn't mean all our wishes will come true and all our problems disappear. It just means we will never have to face the good times nor the difficult times completely long for God is always there.

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