Friday, March 10, 2023

When can the person who has completed his nezirut begin to drink wine? TB Nazir 46

The nazir has correctly observed the number of days he has committed to be a nazir.  Today’s daf TB Nazir 46 discusses exactly when his nezirut is over and he may drink wine. “The Sages taught: It states at the end of the passage dealing with naziriteship: “And after that the nazirite may drink wine” (Numbers 6:20), which means after all the actions, i.e., after he has sacrificed all the offerings and shaved, thereby completing the entire ritual of a nazirite. This is the statement of Rabbi Eliezer. And the Rabbis say: After a single action. He may drink wine after sacrificing one offering, even if he has yet to shave, as shaving is not indispensable for being permitted to drink wine.” ( translation)

The Gemara goes on to explain that the rabbis learn this law from a gezerah shava-גְּזֵירָה שָׁוָה. “What is the reason of the Rabbis? It is written here: “And after that the nazirite may drink wine,” and it is written there, in the previous verse: “And the priest shall take the cooked foreleg…and place it on the palms of the nazirite after he has shaven his naziriteship” (Numbers 6:19). It is derived by verbal analogy: Just as there the term “after” means after a single action, i.e., shaving, here too, the term “after” means after a single action, sacrificing one offering.” ( translation)  The halakha follows the rabbis. (Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Book of Vows, Laws of the Nazir, chapter 8 halakha 5)

While discussing a statement by Rav, the Gemara uses a term that is important for us to know as we continue our study. The term is “שְׁיָרֵי מִצְוָה-sheyaray mitzvah.” There is no adequate translation for this term; however, when used in conjunction with the sacrificial worship it means that this particular action is not an essential part of the avodah, the offering of the sacrifice. Rav thinks that Rabbi Eliezer holds that the laws of a nazir are rather unique. In his case even nonessential parts of the sacrificial offering has to be completed before the nazir may drink wine.  

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