Wednesday, March 15, 2023

“No legacy is as rich as honesty” Shabbathahodesh#parashatvayakelpekudai#parashathashavua

On vacation while driving in different parts of our country Judy and I see homes offer produce and perennials for sale by the road. Sometimes we’ll drive up to an unattended stand that operates on the “honor system.” As we make our selection, we put our money into a cash box or an old coffee can. Then we go on our way to enjoy the freshly picked fruits and vegetables.

But the honor system doesn’t always work. I read about Jackie who has a flower stand in front of her house. One day, as she glanced out her window she saw a well-dressed woman with a big hat loading pots of perennials into the trunk of her car. Jackie smiled as she mentally calculated a $50 profit from her labors in the garden. But when she checked the cash box later, it was empty! The honor system revealed that this woman was not honorable.

Perhaps to her, taking the flowers seemed like a small thing. But being honest in little things indicates how we will respond in the big things Perhaps that’s God included the redundant in the second half of this week’s double parasha Vayakel- Pekudai in the Torah.  Who wouldn’t have trusted God’s most faithful servant Moses in the distribution of the funds for the building of the Tabernacle?! Nevertheless, even Moses wanted an honest accounting so that all his actions would be transparent.

We sanctify God’s name in public when we are as honest as Moses.



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