Wednesday, September 1, 2021

What comes first? TB Sukkah 56

 Today with daf TB Sukkah 56 we have the merit of finishing massekhet Sukkah. On Sukkot when we say Kiddush in the sukkah, which blessing is recited first? Is it the blessing of the sukkah (layshayv basukkah-לֵישֵׁב בַּסּכָּה)? Or is it the blessing of time (Shehecheyanu -שֶׁהֶחֱיָנוּ)? Of course, the amora’im disagree what is the correct order.

 It was stated that there is a dispute between the amora’im, and Rav said: When one enters the sukka, he recites the blessing of the sukka: Who has made us holy through His mitzvot and has commanded us to sit in the sukka, and then the blessing of time: Who has given us life, sustained us, and brought us to this time. Rabba bar Ḥana said: One recites the blessing of time, and then the blessing of the sukka.

The Gemara elaborates: Rav said that one recites the blessing of sukka and then the blessing of time because the obligation of the day takes precedence. Rabba bar Ḥana said that one recites the blessing of time and then the blessing of the sukka because when a frequent practice and an infrequent practice clash, the frequent practice takes precedence over the infrequent practice, and the blessing of time is recited more frequently…

With regard to the final halakhic decision: Rav Naḥman bar Rav Ḥisda taught: The halakha is not in accordance with the statement of Rav, who said: One recites the blessing of sukka and then the blessing of time; rather, one recites the blessing of time and then the blessing of sukka. Rav Sheshet, son of Rav Idi, said: One recites the blessing of sukka and then the blessing of time, in accordance with the opinion of Rav. And the Gemara concludes that the halakha is: One recites the blessing of sukka and then the blessing of time.” ( translation)

You might think that the Gemara would have the final word what is the correct procedure when Yosef Karo writes in the Shulkhan Arukh: “The order of Kiddush: wine, kiddush, and sukkah (layshayv basukkah-לֵישֵׁב בַּסּכָּה), and then followed by time (Shehecheyanu -שֶׁהֶחֱיָנוּ), since time goes on the sanctification of the day and on the mitzvah of sukkah.” (Orekh Hayim, 643:1, translation), but you would be wrong. Karo with the Ram”a agreeing makes a distinction between the first day and the second day of Yom Tov. “On the second night, we say Kiddush and Shehecheyanu immediately afterward, followed by the blessing over the sukkah. (This is the opinion of the Ros"h, and it is fitting to do this.) (Orekh Hayim, 661:1, translation) Nevertheless, Joel Sirkis better known as the ב"ח (Ba”kh) and others hold that the order does not change from the first day to the second. In other words on the second day the person says the blessing over the sukkah and then the Shehecheyanu. There are those who follow this custom.

What order of blessings should you say when making Kiddush in the sukkah? The answer is easy. As my teacher Dr. Francus would say: “Follow the instructions in your siddur, prayer book.”

Tomorrow we begin massekhet Beitza!

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