Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Seek peace and pursue it #Hukkat#devartorah#parashathashavua

 The Israelites are closing in on their goal of reaching the Promised Land.  They are marching to reach it from the other side of the Jordon River.  The Torah records: “Israel now sent messengers to Sichon king of the Amorites saying, ‘Let me pass through your country. We will not turn off into fields or vineyards, and we will not drink water from wells.  We will follow the king’s highway (to pay all the tolls) until we have crossed your territory.” (Nu. 21:21-2) But Sichon not only did he forbid Israel from crossing his border, he waged war on them only lose to them.  Now the Israelites controlled the land from the Arnon River to the Jabbok River.

Why did Moses send messengers to Sichon?  We are only obligated to observe the mitzvot when the opportunity presents itself.  We only have to wave the Lulav and Etrog on Sukkot, not before and not after. Only when you harvest you fields, do you have to make provisions for the poor like allowing them to glean the crop and pick up the forgotten sheaves. You only have to put the tzitzit on a four corner garment and no other you might own.

Peace is different.  We shouldn’t wait around for peace to come our way.  We’re obligated to pursue peace as it is written in Pslam 34:15 “Seek peace and pursue it.”  Therefore Moses sent messengers to Sichon to seek peace.

I wonder what the Israel and the Palestinian territory would look like if the Hamas and their supporters would have chosen peace over starting a war with the goal of genocide. Wouldn’t peace be nearer if the Palestinian leadership would ask themselves, “What can I do that would bring peace a little bit closer to fruition?” I’m sure that Israel would respond in kind.



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