Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Correction does much, but encouragement does more! #Pinkhas#devartorah#parashathashavua

Being a preacher's kid (a p.k. in the vernacular) is never easy. Just ask my children what it is like to live in a glass fish bowl. I once read about a little boy, a p.k., who had been naughty. In exasperation, the father prayed to God that his son would be naughty again. He specifically mentioned a number of bad things the boy had done. Not long afterward the mother heard the 6-year-old sobbing. When she asked what was wrong, the heartbroken boy cried out, "Daddy always tell God the bad things about me. He never tells him the good things I do!"

I know that that child had a legitimate complaint. In fact, it underscores a shortcoming that is common to many of us. Instead of recognizing the good in people, we tend to notice all their faults. I think that is why God gave Pinkhas a covenant of peace after he slew the two offenders in last week's parasha in jealous righteousness. Although Pinkhas' action stopped the plague, God did NOT want this to be the normative behavior. He much preferred Aaron's (Pinchas' grandfather's) approach of "loving peace and pursuing peace, loving your fellow creatures and attracting them to the study of Torah." (Pirke Avot 1:12)

Let us be more ready to commend them to condemn. When we see good in others, let's tell them. It will encourage them and perhaps that is exactly what they need. Correction does much, but encouragement does more!

Shabbat Shalom

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