Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Being a leader means taking responsibility TB Baba Batra 22

 In the midst of discussing what is fair and unfair competition on daf TB Baba Batra 22, we learn that Rav Dimi of Neharde’a brought dried figs on a ship the Babylonia to sell them. If he was a scholar, the Exilarch was going to give him a monopoly to sell those figs. Rav Adda bar Abba was sent to test Rav Dimi’s scholarship. In my opinion he asked him not only a difficult question, but also described an unrealistic case. Not surprisingly, Rav Dimi didn’t know the answer. Rav Adda bar Abba humiliated him and did not grant him any opportunity to sell his figs. His figs went bad and he lost his money. Rav Dimi went to Rav Yosef to complain what Rav Adda bar Abba did to him. Rav Yosef said that God will punish Rav Adda bar Abba. Indeed Rav Adda bar Abba died.

Rav Adda bar Abba was one of Rava’s outstanding students. He also learned Torah from Abaye. Consequently, he was an important scholar during Rav Yosef’s lifetime. His death was not insignificant. Who caused his death? Three sages came forward and accepted the responsibility of his death.

Sage #1 “Rav Yosef said: I punished him, i.e., I am to blame for his death, as I cursed him. Rav Dimi from Neharde’a said: I punished him, as he caused my loss of dried figs. Abaye said: I punished him, i.e., he was punished on my account because he did not exhibit the proper respect for me. As Rav Adda bar Abba said to the Sages: Instead of gnawing the bones in the school of Abaye, you would do better to eat fatty meat in the school of Rava, i.e., it is preferable to study with Rava than with Abaye.”

Sage #2 “And Rava said: I punished him, as when he would go to the butcher to buy a piece of meat, he would say to the butchers: I will take meat before Rava’s servant, as I am greater than he is.”

Sage #3 “Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak said: I punished him, i.e., he was punished because of me, as Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak was the head of the kalla lectures, the gatherings for Torah study during Elul and Addar. Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak would teach the students immediately following the lesson taught by the head of the academy. Every day, before he went in for the kalla lecture, he reviewed his lecture with Rav Adda bar Abba, and then he would enter the study hall for the kalla lecture.

“On that day Rav Pappa and Rav Huna, son of Rav Yehoshua, seized Rav Adda bar Abba, because they had not been present at the conclusion of Rava’s lecture. They said to him: Tell us how Rava stated these halakhot of animal tithe. Rav Adda bar Abba said to them: Rava said this and Rava said that. Meanwhile, it grew late for Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak, and Rav Adda bar Abba had not yet arrived.

“The Sages said to Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak: Arise and teach us, as it is late for us. Why does the Master sit and wait? Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak said to them: I am sitting and waiting for the bier of Rav Adda bar Abba, who has presumably died. Meanwhile, a rumor emerged that Rav Adda bar Abba had indeed died. The Gemara comments: And so too, it is reasonable to conclude that Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak punished him, i.e., he died as a result of Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak’s statement, as the unfortunate event occurred just as he announced that Rav Adda bar Abba’s bier was on its way.” ( translation)

These three sages teach us an important aspect of leadership. A true leader takes responsibility for his actions. Convicted felon former Pres. Trump has never taken any responsibility for the crimes he was found guilty nor has he taken any responsibility for the felonies that still have to be adjudicated. I agree with the New York Times that he is unfit to serve as our president. Convicted felon Sen. Robert Menendez also has refused to take responsibility for his crimes of bribery. He too is unfit to serve as a senator. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito refused to take any responsibility for the American flag flying upside down at his home. He shifted the blame solely on his wife. I also believe for this and other reasons Justice Alito is unfit to serve.

We need to elect this coming November honorable men and women who admit responsibility for their actions. When they do, I am sure that the American people will treat them fairly and mercifully as we have done with past leaders.



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