Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Judging others justifying ourselves#devartorah#parashathashavua#Shoftim

There was once a widowed trapper who lived deep in the Alaskan wilderness with his 2 year old son. On one occasion their food supplies had run out and the trapper was forced to go and catch some more food. The weather outside was so fierce he reluctantly decided to leave his son behind, entrusted to the care of his faithful dog. While outdoors the weather had got even more violent and the trapper was forced to take refuge overnight in a stand of trees.

When the trapper returned the next morning, he got to the cabin to find the door open and the furniture overturned. A fierce struggle had taken place. There was no sign of his son and his dog lay in the corner looking at him guiltily, with blood all over his mouth. The trapper was deeply distressed, and quickly figured out what had happened. The dog, without food, had turned on his son and killed him. Gathering his axe from his side in a fury the trapper killed his dog.

He then set about searching furiously for some sign of his son. There was still a faint chance his son was alive. As the trapper frantically searched he heard a familiar cry, coming from under the bed. He tipped the bed up to discover his son. He was unharmed, without a scratch or drop of blood upon him. The trapper, flooded with relief, gathered his son in his arms. When he turned around he saw a dead wolf, lying in the corner of the cabin. Then the trapper realized why his faithful dog had been covered in blood. It was the one who had saved his son.

How often we can be like that trapper, quickly assuming to know the truth about a person when in reality our judgements are terribly off mark. 

This week’s Torah portion begins with the verse, “Judges and police you shall place for yourself.” (Dt. 16:18) “Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Pashischo commented: Make for yourselves judges and police, that is, before you go and make judgments about other people, judge yourself first. As the Sages (Bava Batra 60b) have said, ‘First correct yourself and only then correct others.’ (cited in Otzer Chayim)” (Growth through Torah by Rabbi Zellig Plishkin, page 424)

Too often judging others is easier than looking at ourselves in the mirror and seeing our own shortcomings.  Perhaps we should add a new Al Chet to the Yom Kippur liturgy, “For the sin we have committed for condemning in others what we also do while justifying our own actions.”


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