Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Who is a full-fledged righteous person, צַדִּיק גָּמוּר?TB Rosh Hashana 4

Today’s daf TB Rosh Hashana 4 describes Darius aka Cyrus, the Persian king who permitted the Babylonian exiled Jews to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple, both as a good king and then as a corrupt king. Rabbi Yitzḥak tried to prove that Darius had an ulterior motive allowing the Jews to rebuild the Temple by quoting the verse: “‘That they may sacrifice offerings of sweet savor to the God of heaven, and pray for the life of the king and of his sons (Ezra 6:10). This shows that Cyrus did this solely for his own benefit, so that the Jews would sacrifice offerings and pray for him and his sons.” ( translation)

The Gemara wonders what’s so wrong with the person who also benefits in some way by giving tzedakkah. “The Gemara asks: And one who acts in this manner, is he not acting in exemplary fashion? Isn’t it taught in a baraita: If one gives charity, saying: I give this sela for charity in order that my children may live, or: I give it in order that through it I may merit life in the World-to-Come, he is still considered a full-fledged righteous person (צַדִּיק גָּמוּר)? If so, what was wrong with the king bringing offerings so that the Jews would pray for his life and the life of his children?” ( translation)

Many Rishonim and Akhronim are astounded by describing a person who observes a mitzvah in order to receive a reward as a full-fledged righteous person because Antigonos of Sokho taught in Pirke Avot “Do not be like service who serve their master on condition of receiving a reward…” (1:3)

Rabbeinu Hannaniel and Rabbi Moshe Hadarshan (in the ‘Arukh) amended our text to read “this is a completely acceptable act of tzedakkah (הרי זו צדקה גמורה)” meaning that the motive of giving tzedakkah does not nullify the reward of the mitzvah because it is considered a completely acceptable act of tzedakkah. The Meiri also interprets our text thusly. Rashi adds “If he is accustomed of doing so.” According to this understanding, the text is describing a person who gives a lot of tzedakkah and doesn’t constantly check to see whether the expected reward has been granted. Rabbi Shmuel Primi explains that the Mishnah in Pirke Avot describes a person who observes the mitzvah in accordance with the minimum requirements and no more. However, one who does more than required by increasing the amount of tzedakkah given is considered a righteous person even though he’s doing it for a reward because he’s doing more than what is required. Rebbeinu Nisin differentiates between a tzadik, a righteous person, and a hasid, a pious person. A righteous person behaves and observes the law. He gives tzedakkah what is appropriate for him. A pious person’s tzedakkah is on a higher level because he considers an ulterior motive a blemish.

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