Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Time or Distance TB Pesakhim 94

As we learned yesterday a person who cannot bring his korban Pesakh on Pesakh rishon because he is too far away from Jerusalem (derekh rekhoka-דרך רחוקה), brings his Passover sacrifice on Pesakh sheni. We also learned if you draw a circle with the Temple courtyard at the center, anywhere beyond a radius of 15 klms is considered a derekh rekhoka.

Today’s daf TB Pesakhim 94 definitively determines whether derekh rekhoka is a function of time or distance. Up to now we been speaking about the average person walking, What happens if he is beyond the 15 km radius, but has a faster mode of travel like riding on a horse? “The Sages taught: If one was standing outside the city of Modi’im and was able to enter Jerusalem on horses or mules but not by walking, I might have thought he would be liable to receive karet for failing to come to Jerusalem and offer the Paschal lamb; therefore, the verse states: ‘And is not on a journey’ (Numbers 9:13). This person was on a distant journey and is therefore exempt.” (Sefaria.org translation)

What happens if the person is within the 15 km radius of Jerusalem, but is traveling with a large entourage of women and children who slows him down so he won’t make it in time to offer his korban Pesakh? Can we consider that situation comparable to a derekh rekhoka? “On the other hand, if one was standing closer to Jerusalem than Modi’im but was not able to enter due to the camels and carriages that are carrying his family and delaying him, I might have thought he would not be liable for failing to offer the Paschal lamb because he is trying to enter; therefore, the verse states: ‘And is not on a journey’ and this person was not on a distant journey and is therefore liable. This person could have dismounted and come to Jerusalem on foot, but he wanted to bring his family with him in a carriage and was consequently delayed. One's liability is determined based on his distance from Jerusalem.” (Sefaria.org translation)

We see that derekh rekhoka is a function of distance and not of time. Rambam accepts the idea that derekh rekhoka is a function of distance. Even though a person doesn’t fall within the category of derekh rekhoka, one who is within the 15 km radius, but is delayed because of circumstances beyond his control (נֶאֱנַס) like a large slow-moving family, offers his korban Pesakh on Pesakh sheni. (Mishneh Torah, Sefer Korbanot, Hilkhot Pesakh, Chapter 5 Halakha 9)


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