Friday, October 11, 2024

Choose your friends wisely TB Baba Batra 109

 In the book of Judges we learn that “The Danites set up the sculptured image for themselves; and Jonathan son of Gershom son of Manasseh, and his descendants, served as priests to the Danite tribe until the land went into exile.” (18:30) Trying to understand Jonathan’s true lineage because of the ambiguity in verse 17:17 “And there was a young man of Bethlehem in Judah of the family of Judah who was a Levite, and he sojourned there” (Judges 17:7), Rava bar Rav Ḥanan identifies him as a descendent of Moses, “he was the son of Manasseh; but wasn’t he the son of Moses, as it is written: “The sons of Moses: Gershom and Eliezer” (I Chronicles 23:15)?

“Rava bar Rav Ḥanan explains the verse: Rather, although he was the son of Moses, because he acted as Manasseh the king of Judah, who was notorious for idol worship, acted, the verse linked him to Manasseh by calling him “the son of Manasseh.” Here too, in the verse from which you seek to prove that one’s mother’s family is called one’s family, since he acted as Manasseh, who came from the tribe of Judah, acted, the verse linked him to Judah by stating that he was “of the family of Judah,” but he was, in fact, a Levite.” (TB Baba Batra  daf 109, translation)

From here  rabbis learn a very important lesson. We tell our children to choose their friends wisely. A bad friend will influence you adversely. The Gemara reminds us that this good advice applies to us adults as well.

“In connection with this, Rabbi Yoḥanan says in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai: From here it is learned that corruption is linked to one who is corrupt, as this man was linked to Manasseh and Judah despite having no familial connection to them. Rabbi Yosei bar Ḥanina says: That concept can be seen from here, in the matter of Adonijah, the son of David: “And he was also a very handsome man; and she gave birth to him after Absalom,” (I Kings 1:6) but Adonijah wasn’t the son of Haggith and Absalom was the son of Maachah, so why does the verse state: “And she gave birth to him after Absalom,” as if they were sons of the same mother? Rather, since Adonijah acted in a manner fit for Absalom, who also rebelled against the monarchy, the verse linked him to Absalom, referring to him as his full brother. Here too, with regard to Jonathan, since he acted as Manasseh acted, the verse linked him to Manasseh.” ( translation)

We study this daf on Yom Kippur this year. We should take this lesson to heart and choose our friends wisely. If we keep company with those who were wise, kind, and generous, we shall become wiser, kinder, more generous in this new year of 5785.

Gemar Khatima Tova, May you be inscribed in the Book of life

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