Thursday, April 1, 2021

Introducing the house of Garmu and the house of Avtinas TY Shekalim 11

Leftover from last year’s ketoret, incense, cannot be rolled over and used in the new year because it was purchased with last year’s shekalim. This year’s ketoret has to be purchased with this year’s shekalim. What do you do with last year’s ketoret is the question that today’s daf TY Shekalim 11 answers. The simple answer is you deconsecrate the ketoret by transferring its holiness to money. With this consecrated money, you can purchase the old ketoret. By doing this you reconsecrate the ketoret and use it for this year’s services.

The Gemara inquires what else you can do with the money upon which the incense was the consecrated.

This money, what is done with it? Rebbi (Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi-gg) says: I say that it is given to the house of Garmu and to the house of Avtinas, who were expert of compounding the incense and the preparation of the panim bread. (Art Scroll translation)

“The panim bread (or lechem hapanim) are the 12 loaves that were arranged every Shabbat on the Sanctuary Table. Each Shabbat the Kohanim would place new bread upon the Table and eat the panim bread of the previous Sabbath. The panim loaves were formed and baked in a complex shape. Since only the house of Garmu was capable of producing those of the required shape that were not spoil or crumble, they were entrusted with this work. And since only the house of Avtinas knew the identity of a certain ingredient because the smoke of the incense to rise in a straight column, they were given responsibility for compounding the incense.” (Art Scroll note 5 on daf TY Shekalim 11b1)

Apparently these two houses did not share their knowledge with their competitors to maintain the Temple contract for the services.


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