Much of today’s daf TB Sanhedrin 38 is aggadah about Adam. One of the most famous one answers the question why Adam was God’s last creation. “He was created on Shabbat eve so that if a person becomes haughty, God can say to him: The mosquito preceded you in the acts of Creation, as you were created last.” ( translation) I can think of plenty of haughty, egotistical, and narcissistic politicians, leaders, and other people who could use a good dose of humility before they do and say something. Our country and our world would be a much better place for all people.
Today’s daf also
contains a very famous Gematria,
numerology. Every Hebrew letter in the alphabet is assigned a number value. The
following story wants to emphasize the dangers of drunkenness.
“Having mentioned the sons of Rabbi Ḥiyya, the Gemara relates: Yehuda and Ḥizkiyya, sons of Rabbi Ḥiyya, were sitting at a meal before Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, and they were not saying anything. Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi said to his servants: Add more wine for the young men, so that they will say something. Once they were inebriated, they loosened their tongues and said: The son of David, i.e., the Messiah, will not come until two fathers’ houses are destroyed from Israel, as those two families are preventing the redemption. And they are the head of the exile who is in Babylonia, i.e., the family of the Exilarch, and the Nasi who is in Eretz Yisrael, i.e., the family of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi (see 5a), as it is stated in reference to the Messiah: “And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel” (Isaiah 8:14).
“Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi said to them: My children, do you throw thorns in my eyes? How can you say this in the presence of the Nasi himself? Rabbi Ḥiyya said to him: My teacher, do not view their behavior in a negative light. Wine [yayin] is given in letters of seventy, i.e., the numerical value of the letters in the word yayin is seventy (each י in יין equals 10 for a total of 20 and the ן equals 50 for grand total of 70.-gg) And secret [sod ] is given in letters of seventy, i.e., the numerical value of the letters in the word sod is seventy (the ס equals 60, the ו equals six and the ד equals four a total of 70-gg). When wine enters, secrets emerge.” ( translation)
dirty secret we keep in the closet is some Jews have a drinking problem. Some
synagogues have a “Kiddush club” during services. Sometimes the imbibing leads
to drunken behavior in and out the synagogue. Moderate drinking may be healthy
or at least not injurious to a person’s health. Excessive drinking is dangerous
and unhealthy. Instead of hiding problem in the closet, we should take a
proactive approach. To their credit, many churches host AA meetings. Shouldn’t
our synagogues open up our doors and host AA meetings and other substance abuse
programs for our community!
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