The Gemara daf TB Baba Batra 144b discusses who pays the medical bills. Here’s the back story. The father dies and leaves his estate to his sons. The estate has yet been divided amongst the sons when one of them falls ill. Who pays the medical bills? Does the patient pay or does the estate pay?
§ The mishna teaches: If one of the brothers became sick and sought treatment, the cost of the treatment is paid from his own resources. Ravin sent a ruling in the name of Rabbi Ela: They taught this only in a case where he became ill through negligence. But if he became ill through circumstances beyond his control, the cost of the treatment is paid from the middle, i.e., from the common inheritance. The Gemara asks: What are the circumstances in which it is considered negligence? This is in accordance with the statement of Rabbi Ḥanina, as Rabbi Ḥanina says: All occurrences that befall man are in the hand of Heaven except for colds and heat strokes [paḥim], from which one is able to protect himself, as it is stated: “Colds and snares are on the path of the crooked; he who guards his soul shall keep far from them” (Proverbs 22:5).
Bitakhon, trust or confidence, in God is one of the foundations of Judaism. A Jew is required to put his trust in God and be sure that God will stand by his side and help them and in all his needs. Nevertheless, as God’s partner we must play an active role in our life and not just rely on whatever happens, happens. We shouldn’t rely upon miracles
Moshe Luzzato wrote: “Perhaps you will say: behold we see that the sages everywhere obligated a man to guard himself well and not put himself in danger even if he is a righteous person with many merits. For instance: "everything is in the hands of heaven except colds and heat strokes" (Ketubot 30a) and the Torah says "you shall guard yourselves very carefully" (Devarim 4:15). Hence one should not decide to "trust in G-d" in all situations, and in the Talmud Yerushalmi (Berachot 3, see also Chulin 142a) they said: "even when performing a Mitzva!". Mesilat Yesharim 9:10 ( translation)
In other words, when your mother says put on
the sweater because it’s cold outside so you won’t catch a cold, you should
listen to her.
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