Monday, December 18, 2023

The shor muad, a vicious dog, an unstable ladder, and sane gun laws TB Baba Kama 46

Today’ daf TB Baba Kama 46 provides the scriptural underpinning why Rabbi Eliezer holds that only slaughtering the ox is the only way to safeguard the owner from damage liability.

“(Abaye) said that this is the reason for the opinion of Rabbi Eliezer: As it is taught in a baraita that Rabbi Natan says: From where is it derived that one may not raise a vicious dog in his house, and that one may not set up an unstable ladder in his house? As it is stated: “You shall not bring blood into your house” (Deuteronomy 22:8), which means that one may not allow a hazardous situation to remain in his house. Similarly, a person should not keep a forewarned ox in his possession, as it is dangerous. This is why Rabbi Eliezer rules that no level of safeguarding is sufficient for it; the ox should be slaughtered so that it will not cause damage.” ( translation)

This is the second time in we have come across this baraita, however, I didn’t have time to comment on it. For those of us looking for a Jewish source to help us reduce gun violence in America we cite this baraita. A loaded gun or arms like a semi-automatic are even more dangerous than a vicious dog or an unstable ladder in a house. Sane gun laws would require proper care and storage of guns so that they won’t be accidentally misused by minors as well as adults. Similarly there is no reason for a non-soldier to own a semi-automatic rifle whose sole purpose is to kill as many people as possible in as short of time as possible.

Most firearm-related homicides in the United States involve handguns.[96][97][98] A 2019 Pew Research study found that 3% of US gun deaths were caused by rifles, a category which includes AR-15–style rifles.[99] According to a 2013 analysis by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, 14 out of 93 mass shootings involved high-capacity magazines or assault weapons.[100] Nevertheless, AR-15–style rifles have played a prominent role in many high-profile mass shootings in the U.S.[101] and have come to be widely characterized as the weapon of choice for perpetrators of these crimes.[102] AR-15s or similar rifles were the primary weapons used in half of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern American history:[103][104] the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the 2017 Sutherland Springs church shooting,[105] the 2018 Parkland high school shooting,[106] and the 2022 Robb Elementary School shooting.[107] The first time wherein an AR-15–style rifle was used in a mass shooting was in 2007, during the Crandon shooting, according to Mother Jones's mass shooting database.[108][109] Gun expert Dean Hazen and mass murder researcher Pete Blair think that mass shooters' gun choices have less to do with the AR-15's specific characteristics but rather with familiarity and a copycat effect.[110][111] According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, there were an estimated 24.4 million AR-15s in private circulation in the United States in 2020. According to a 2021 Georgetown University poll of gun owners in the US, 24.6 million persons have an AR-15 or a comparable firearm in their possession.[112]” (



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