Wednesday, May 3, 2023

A half-truth is a whole lie TB Sotah 35

Today’s daf TB Sotah 35 treats us to an excursion through the midrash. The Gemara explicates verses in the story about the 12 spies Moses sends out to spy out the land of Israel, the tragic story of Uza and the ark being brought up to Jerusalem, and more on the crossing of the Jordan River. I’ll just share an insight about the 12 spies because my bar mitzvah portion, Shelakh Lekha, contains this story. If you remember Moses sends out 12 spies to spy out the land of Israel. 10 spies come back with a bad report and only Joshua and Caleb return with encouraging news.

According to the Gemara the 10 spies never intended to bring back a positive report about the land of Israel. “And they went and they came” (Numbers 13:25–26). Rabbi Yoḥanan says in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai: This verse likens their going to their coming. Just as their coming back was with wicked counsel, so too, their going to Eretz Yisrael was with wicked counsel.” ( translation)

Demagoguery is “political activity or practices that seek support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.” (

The Gemara warns us about the trick demagogues uses to ensure their outrageous statements are accepted by the masses. “Rabbi Yoḥanan (said) …in the name of Rabbi Meir Any slander that does not begin with a truthful statement ultimately does not stand, i.e., it is not accepted by others.’” ( translation) There is much wisdom in the Yiddish expression “a half truth is a whole lie.”

Here is a modern example. Republicans realizing that their policies they are pursuing are so unpopular with the general population that the only way they can win elections is to disenfranchise eligible voters and cast aspersions on the election. Voter fraud in the United States does happen, but is statistically insignificant. Nevertheless, our homegrown demagogues use the rare example to invalidate fair and open elections.


It is important to protect the integrity of our elections. But we must be careful not to undermine free and fair access to the ballot in the name of preventing phantom voter fraud.


“Politicians at all levels of government have repeatedly, and falsely, claimed the 2016, 2018, and 2020 elections were marred by large numbers of people voting illegally. However, extensive research reveals that fraud is very rare, voter impersonation is virtually nonexistent, and many instances of alleged fraud are, in fact, mistakes by voters or administrators. The same is true for mail ballots, which are secure and essential to holding a safe election amid the coronavirus pandemic.


“The Brennan Center’s seminal report The Truth About Voter Fraud conclusively demonstrated that most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless and that most of the few remaining allegations reveal irregularities and other forms of election misconduct. Numerous other studies, including one commissioned by the Trump administration, have reached the same conclusion.


“Voter fraud is unacceptable, but we must find solutions that address actual problems instead of imposing policies that make it harder for millions of eligible Americans to participate in our democracy.” (



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