Tuesday, April 25, 2023

His wife was right TB Sotah 27

With today’s daf TB Sotah 27 we begin the fifth chapter of our massekhet. All the mishnayot are frontloaded; consequently, I write about each subsection of the Mishna when we reach it in the Gemara. Today I’ll just give you some background information. The Mishnah begins with the statement by Rabbi Akiva with a response by Rabbi Yehoshua. Because the mishnayot were memorized, almost all of the subsections begin with a statement by Rabbi Akiva with a response by another rabbi, usually Rabbi Yehoshua. The last subsection Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hyrcanus makes a statement with a response by Rabbi Yehoshu.

After the first subsection, each the following subsections begin with “On that same day.” We’ve already learned back in TB Berakhot 28a, what day was that in Jewish history. Because of Rabban Gamliel’s continued public embarrassing treatment of Rabbi Yehoshua, the Sanhedrin deposed him and offered the job to Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya.  Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya’s wife counseled him not to take the job for two reasons. One, he was very young, only 18 years old. Two, the Sanhedrin will eventually regret removing Rabban Gamliel from his position and reinstate him.

Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya took the job and if you remember your Passover Haggadah’s story about him, his hair turned white overnight giving the impression that he was like a man of 70 years old. As the case in my marriage, his wife was correct and eventually the Sanhedrin gave the job back to Rabban Gamliel.

In the meantime, Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya instituted a major change who could attend the yeshiva. Rabban Gamliel believe that the yeshiva should be a very exclusive institution and only the best students were allowed to attend. Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya changed that policy and threw open the doors to all who want to study. On that same day, these were the discussions held.

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