Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Museum on the Seam

Museum on the Seam

I did forget all about the Atlas wedding, until I saw a picture of the bride that was posted 52 minutes ago on facebook.  If you are there, then we won't be able to talk.  Rats. Tomorrow for sure.  I have free time from 5pm to 7pm tomorrow that's 10am-noon. Let's try connecting then. I am sure that the Hartman Institute will have wifi.  If I can't get on, I'll go to a cafe on Emek Refaim for a drink use their wifi.

Today I went to Mt. Scopus today.  So much new building I didn't even recognize anything. I bought a book for Eli. I couldn't pass it up. It's called Eich Oseh Sabba. The Sabba makes all the animal sounds to teach the grandson what an animal says e.g. "What sound does the cat make." It is cute.  Of course on the way home, my bus broke down.

Earlier I went to the Museum on the Seam.  It's exhibition was all about leadership, usually about corrupt leadership.  This is what  I wrote in my dairy.

The other day I went to the Museum on the Seam which deals a lot with tolerance between different groups especially between Jews and Palestinians.  It is in the old Jordanian army post at the Mandelbaum gates dividing  Jerusalem  pre '67.

From the book on their exhibit  "And the trees went forth to seek a king."

We love them and hate them. Admire and scorn them.  We trust their promises, as we watch them being led handcuffed and humiliated.

Who is worthy of leadership? What motivates people to become leaders?  Is it an inner feeling of justice and an ability to see the truth which guides them? Or rather is it a disappointing and manipulative desire for self-glorification and abuse of one's position at the expense of the masses

See the parable Judges 9:8-18.

We long for a leadership that can discern the needs of the people.  A spiritual leadership, motivated by a true sense of mission, a leadership that admonishes, warns, and alerts, that lights the way through the personal dedication to the notion of justice, freedom, and peace in Israel and the nations.

See Prof. Eliezer Schweid's book "Prophets for their People" Jerusalem, Magnes Press 1999 for examples of good leadership like Ben Gurion.

Since the outburst of the Arab Spring, a bloody wars in the Middle East over the shape of the ruling authorities.  In Europe and in Israel leaders are being  tried in court and in the Far East horrendous crimes are being committed to ensure the safeguard of the existing leadership.  In these times of confusion, due to the lack of morality and clear ethical codes on behalf of a leadership detached from its people, we face the danger of losing faith in the institutions of power.

From And the Tress went forth to seek a king intro by Raphie Etgar curator.

I am reminded of what Sharansky said last year at the RA convention when somebody asked him if he was interested in going back into the government.  He said, "No.  He always does things backwards.  He went to jail before he was elected to the Kenesset."  The list of Israeli leaders being convicted is great. Ehud Olmert, Uri Luripansk, former President Katsar, former chief rabbi.  Other leaders like Netaniyahu and Barak were acquitted  for lack of evidence.

There is a group to fight government corruption in Israel called Ometz.

Same thing in America where the political party blocks everything the President wants bills, appointments, etc not because  it is right for the country but just because they don't want to give him any victory

Do we get the leaders we deserve or need?

It was a very thought provoking exhibition but mostly depressing.

Sent from my iPad

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