Museum on the Seam
I did forget all about the Atlas wedding, until I saw a picture of the bride that was posted 52 minutes ago on facebook. If you are there, then we won't be able to talk. Rats. Tomorrow for sure. I have free time from 5pm to 7pm tomorrow that's 10am-noon. Let's try connecting then. I am sure that the Hartman Institute will have wifi. If I can't get on, I'll go to a cafe on Emek Refaim for a drink use their wifi.
Today I went to Mt. Scopus today. So much new building I didn't even recognize anything. I bought a book for Eli. I couldn't pass it up. It's called Eich Oseh Sabba. The Sabba makes all the animal sounds to teach the grandson what an animal says e.g. "What sound does the cat make." It is cute. Of course on the way home, my bus broke down.
Earlier I went to the Museum on the Seam. It's exhibition was all about leadership, usually about corrupt leadership. This is what I wrote in my dairy.
The other day I went to the Museum on the Seam which deals a lot with tolerance between different groups especially between Jews and Palestinians. It is in the old Jordanian army post at the Mandelbaum gates dividing Jerusalem pre '67.
From the book on their exhibit "And the trees went forth to seek a king."
We love them and hate them. Admire and scorn them. We trust their promises, as we watch them being led handcuffed and humiliated.
Who is worthy of leadership? What motivates people to become leaders? Is it an inner feeling of justice and an ability to see the truth which guides them? Or rather is it a disappointing and manipulative desire for self-glorification and abuse of one's position at the expense of the masses
See the parable Judges 9:8-18.
We long for a leadership that can discern the needs of the people. A spiritual leadership, motivated by a true sense of mission, a leadership that admonishes, warns, and alerts, that lights the way through the personal dedication to the notion of justice, freedom, and peace in Israel and the nations.
See Prof. Eliezer Schweid's book "Prophets for their People" Jerusalem, Magnes Press 1999 for examples of good leadership like Ben Gurion.
Since the outburst of the Arab Spring, a bloody wars in the Middle East over the shape of the ruling authorities. In Europe and in Israel leaders are being tried in court and in the Far East horrendous crimes are being committed to ensure the safeguard of the existing leadership. In these times of confusion, due to the lack of morality and clear ethical codes on behalf of a leadership detached from its people, we face the danger of losing faith in the institutions of power.
From And the Tress went forth to seek a king intro by Raphie Etgar curator.
I am reminded of what Sharansky said last year at the RA convention when somebody asked him if he was interested in going back into the government. He said, "No. He always does things backwards. He went to jail before he was elected to the Kenesset." The list of Israeli leaders being convicted is great. Ehud Olmert, Uri Luripansk, former President Katsar, former chief rabbi. Other leaders like Netaniyahu and Barak were acquitted for lack of evidence.
There is a group to fight government corruption in Israel called Ometz.
Same thing in America where the political party blocks everything the President wants bills, appointments, etc not because it is right for the country but just because they don't want to give him any victory
Do we get the leaders we deserve or need?
It was a very thought provoking exhibition but mostly depressing.
Sent from my iPad
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Some initial thoughts about the aftermath of the murder of the 3 Israeli teens.
Some initial thoughts about the cruel murder of Eyal Yifrah, Gil-Ad, and Naftali Frenkel
I know that the issues are complex and there are no simple solutions to anything dealing with the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. But if I were in charge or an advisor, this is what I would do.
I understand the Israeli need to strike back fast and hard. First of all, I would advise against it. I know that Hamas and other Arabs would see this as a sign of weakness, but I know just the opposite. Restraint is a sign of strength.
Secondly, the culprits of this brutal crime must be brought to justice. If possible, I would bring them to court, try them, and let justice take its course. I would pressure Abbas to continue to condemn the murder of innocents and make the P.A, help bring those suspects to justice. If he is a true leader, he can do no less. If all that can't be done, then I have no problem of killing them in the line of duty.
Lastly, I wouldn't have destroyed the homes of the terrorists by the IDF for a couple of reasons. As a parent, I know that I have little or no control over my teenage children let alone my adult ones. Why should the parents suffer even if they agree with the kidnapping and murder of the boys (thinking thoughts are not a crime) as long as they are not accomplices? At least officially, this affair has split the PA and Hamas and I think that is a good thing. Destroying homes will give the two factions the ability to unite against the unfair Israeli occupation. Moreover, up to now, the civilized world has sympathized with Israel. Destroying the homes may or may not be legal in international law, but certainly it gives the world an opening to sympathize with the "poor Palestinians" and ignore the righteous cause of the Israelis. I think it will be a P.R. disaster for us.
These are some of my thoughts as I sit in Jerusalem mourning those 3 boys.
I know that the issues are complex and there are no simple solutions to anything dealing with the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. But if I were in charge or an advisor, this is what I would do.
I understand the Israeli need to strike back fast and hard. First of all, I would advise against it. I know that Hamas and other Arabs would see this as a sign of weakness, but I know just the opposite. Restraint is a sign of strength.
Secondly, the culprits of this brutal crime must be brought to justice. If possible, I would bring them to court, try them, and let justice take its course. I would pressure Abbas to continue to condemn the murder of innocents and make the P.A, help bring those suspects to justice. If he is a true leader, he can do no less. If all that can't be done, then I have no problem of killing them in the line of duty.
Lastly, I wouldn't have destroyed the homes of the terrorists by the IDF for a couple of reasons. As a parent, I know that I have little or no control over my teenage children let alone my adult ones. Why should the parents suffer even if they agree with the kidnapping and murder of the boys (thinking thoughts are not a crime) as long as they are not accomplices? At least officially, this affair has split the PA and Hamas and I think that is a good thing. Destroying homes will give the two factions the ability to unite against the unfair Israeli occupation. Moreover, up to now, the civilized world has sympathized with Israel. Destroying the homes may or may not be legal in international law, but certainly it gives the world an opening to sympathize with the "poor Palestinians" and ignore the righteous cause of the Israelis. I think it will be a P.R. disaster for us.
These are some of my thoughts as I sit in Jerusalem mourning those 3 boys.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Prayer alone is not sufficient
I believe in the power of prayer. Prayer can give you courage and strength in
times of need. When you are lonely
prayer can remind you that you are never truly alone for God is near to all who
call upon Him. Prayer can accentuate joy
while help you cope with sorrow. Yet,
prayer is not sufficient unto itself. I
can pray all day long and all night long to win the lottery, but if I don’t
purchase a lottery ticket I don’t have a chance to win. You can’t just pray to
do well on a test or in contest without studying or preparing yourself appropriately. You can’t just pray for peace without working
towards peace.
This past Sunday Presidents Shimon Peres and
Mohammed Abbas joined Pope Francis in the Vatican to pray for peace. I hope that the prayers of these 3 men soften
their hearts and the hearts of their countrymen. But prayers are not enough to
solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
the Palestinians truly want peace, then their entire narrative has to
change. The Palestinian Media Watch monitors
the Palestinian media for libels, demonization of Israelis and Jews, terror,
and more ( What they
uncover underscores why prayers for peace are not sufficient.
Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
“In May, the Palestinian
Authority TV's daily program Palestine This Morning
introduced a new filler between the different sections of the show. The filler
presents Jerusalem, Haifa, Jaffa, Nazareth, Acre, and the Negev Desert as
“Palestinian Media Watch has documented that just like Hamas, the
PA regularly uses PA TV to teach Palestinians to see a world in which there
is no Israel - only
"Palestine." The message that Israel does not exist is also directed
specifically at children.
“In the new filler,
which has been broadcast regularly since May 6, a door opens in a green
leaf, and balls inscribed with names of cities and areas roll out. Along with
names of places from the PA areas are the names of Israeli cities and regions.
At the end, the leaf forms part of the letter "P" in the word
Text on balls:
(city in Israel)
"Nablus" -
"Jericho" -
"Haifa" -
"Jaffa" (cities in Israel)
"Salfit" -
"The Negev"
(desert in Israel)
"Nazareth" - "Acre" (cities
in Israel)
"Palestine This Morning"
"Palestine This Morning"
[Official PA TV, regularly May 6 - June 5, 2014”
And how can there be peace when murder is extolled? Once again the two above reporters write:
“The official Palestinian Authority daily chose to devote a
full op-ed to a long, romanticized description of the last hours in suicide
bomber Raed Barghouti's life. The terrorist's bombing in Jerusalem wounded
dozens in 2001.
Barghouti... held the arm of his young brother, Rayyan, and took him to the market to
buy him school supplies for the new school year. Later, he took him to a
[photo] studio to have their picture taken together. Rayyan didn't know that
this was to be his brother Raed's last picture, before he joined the procession
of Martyrdom (Shahada) and Martyrs (Shahids)."
Al-Jadida, May 13, 2014]
“These were the opening lines of the op-ed, which went on
to describe the bomber's last kind deeds (paying another brother's university
tuition) and his mother's devastated reaction to the news of his
mother's heart is her guide. She couldn't fall asleep until late, and then
dreamed a dream of truth. [In her dream,] she was standing in front of Raed's
house... when, suddenly, the house collapsed on its foundations and its bricks
turned to dust. The mother leaped out of bed, horrified by what she'd seen...
[The TV news] spoke of a Martyrdom-seeking operation (i.e., suicide bombing) in
Jerusalem and broadcast images of the man who had carried out the operation -
or what was left of him. His mother cried out, 'Allah help his family' -
without realizing that she was praying for Allah to help her."
“The author describes how the suicide bomber "left
behind testaments to his people," one of which stated that "the night
is darkest just before dawn," and ends by asking Allah to "have mercy
on our Martyrs, who fell so that we might live."
“As documented by Palestinian Media Watch, the PA honors terrorists in numerous ways, including paying them high salaries while they are in prison and upon
their release and glorifying them in speeches at events. Suicide bombers and
other terrorists who were killed are honored by being calledShahids-
Martyrs for Allah - one of the highest levels of Muslim religious achievement
possible today, and streets, summer
camps and sporting events are named after them.”
Although Israel isn’t as nearly as extreme as the
Palestinians, they too don’t advance the cause of peace on a day to day
basis. Sometimes I feel that Israel
responds to the P.A. like a little child.
If you do this, I going to build more settlements just to spite
you. That was Israel’s reaction to the
swearing in of the unification government between Hamas and the Palestinian
Authority. I would have preferred a
response like this. Israel is willing to
sit down with the new unification government anytime and anyplace as soon as
Hamas renounces its intent to destroy Israel.
I can’t understand why Israel also doesn’t build new homes
in the Galilee where the Arab population outnumbers the Jewish population. When a two state solution comes into reality,
those settlers whose settlements will be dismantled will need a new home to
live in. Why not prepare now? Why not
the Galil? It is no less Jewish than the
West Bank.
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I believe in the power of prayer. Prayers for peace are wonderful. I’d just wish that they were backed by
actions on the ground.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
The Underdog Effect
"Everybody loves the Underdog and wants them to win, unless you happen to be playing against the underdog" Stephen K. Shaw
Today is Israel ’s
66th birthday. I remember an
old story back when Assad’s father still ruled Syria
with an iron fist. He was so anti-Israel
that when the nation’s school system received blow up globes of the world, he
had his principals cut out Israel
from the map as if it didn’t exist. Of
course the teachers couldn’t blow up the globe because the air kept escaping
where Israel should
have been. The moral of the story is
that the world wouldn’t exist without Israel . Here is a link to 18 Israel
inventions that just could save your life.
Yet, if Israel
is so great, I wondered why so many people favor the Palestinians over the
Israelis in the conflict? Israel is
certainly not perfect. Life under Israeli rule is hard and at times unfair. We could and should do a better job as our
tradition and the Declaration of Israel’s Independence
demand of us. Nevertheless, Israel is a democracy where there is an independent
judiciary. All Arabs can seek justice.
Israeli Arabs have the right to vote and serve in the Knesset. An Arab sits on the Israel Supreme
court. There is a free and open press
and the right to protest. But living
under the Palestinians rule nothing like that exists. Everybody agrees that the P.A. and Hamas
governments are corrupt. Human rights
are trampled upon especially if you are a woman or a homosexual. Honor killings and murder of homosexuals are
common place. There is no right of
assembly and free press. Members of the
opposite party are harassed and even out right murdered. Palestinian terrorist have lobbed thousand
upon thousands of missiles at civilian targets. Suicide bombers have killed
innocent men, women, and children at bus stops, restaurants, discothèques, and
even at a Passover seder. Gilad Shalit,
an army soldier, was kidnapped and the Red Cross wasn’t permitted to visit him
during his years of captivity as allowed by the Geneva Convention.
Unfortunately the list of these crimes is longer than I have time to share. In other words the Palestinians are not
always the best neighbors in the world to share a backyard.
Believe it or not the answer to my question can be found in
this week’s Sports Illustrated issue (5-5-14 ). I was
reading the article “Long Shots” by Chris Ballard. Upsets do happen in the NBA, but no league
serves up fewer postseason upsets. He
“Why do we love
upsets? Plenty of social scientists have
studied the matter. In 2010, Slate
published a lengthy article citing the findings of this research-how, all else
being equal 81% of us choose to root for underdogs; how once a presidential
candidate is described as an underdog he or she is immediately perceived as
more liable; how we naturally assign positive attributes to underdogs.
In the end it’s
simple math: the more unlikely the success, the more rewarding it is. And therein lies the frustration, and the
No doubt about it.
The Palestinians are the underdogs and garner all of the world’s
sympathy. That’s almost ok with me. I’d rather have the status of a strong,
resilient, and thriving Jewish State in our ancestral homeland than being the vulnerable
wandering underdog relying solely on the good will of others as we were the
2000 years before 1948. That didn’t turn out so well for us Jews especially if
you remember all the expulsions, inquisitions, blood libels, pogroms, and the
Holocaust. Now is definitely better.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Remember Yes, but How?
This is my welcome I gave last night at our annual Yom Hashoa Memorial Service.
Shalom. I am Rabbi Gary Greene of Marathon Jewish Community
Center and I would like to welcome you here for our annual Yom Hashoa memorial
service on behalf of my colleagues Cantor Heyman of Marathon, Rabbi Eli Shifren
of Temple Torah, Rabbi Gordon Yaffe and Cantor Shron of Congregation Dor LeDor,
all the Presidents of the three shuls, and on behalf of all the hard working
members of our joint Yom Hashoa committee.
When I saw the documentary, No Place On Earth, how Sonia Hochman’s family was
saved from the Nazis by living underground for a year and a half, I was moved
by their story. Their bravery,
ingenuity, resourcefulness, their love for one another, and their joie de vivre
are inspirational. My favorite part of
the documentary was the very end of the movie when they showed pictures of each
family with at least 3 generations in each photo because this demonstrates their
resilience in particular and of the Jewish people in general. Hitler is no more but we’re still here and
We are dedicating our Yom Hashoa service this year to the
memory of Alice Herz-Sommer, a piano virtuoso.
Until she died this past February at the age of 111 years old, she was
the oldest living survivor in the world.
Alice was billeted with her son during their
time at Theresienstadt, and he was one of only a few children to survive
Theresienstadt. Her husband died of typhus in Dachau, six weeks
before the camp was liberated. After
the Soviet liberation of Theresienstadt in 1945, Alice and Raphael returned to
Prague and in March 1949 emigrated to Israel to be reunited with some of her
family, including her twin sister, Mariana. Alice lived in Israel for nearly 40 years, working as a music teacher
at the Jerusalem Academy of Music until
emigrating to London to be with her son in 1986. Her
son Raphael, an accomplished cellist and conductor, died in 2001, aged 64, in Israel at the end of a concert tour. He was survived
by his widow and two sons.
Alice Herz-Sommers had every right to be bitter because of all of her life's experiences, but chose
not to be. She bequeathed her wisdom to
us as her legacy. She said that one must
look for the beauty in life. She saw
beauty in life everywhere. She said, “I know all
about the bad, but I only look at the good things.” She was asked whether she hated the Nazis and
she said she hated no one because “Hatred
eats the soul of the hater, not the hated” and
“Hatred breeds only hatred.”
Beyond fighting Anti-Semitism here at home and abroad, I can
think of no better way to remember all the Jews during the Holocaust than carrying
on their legacy by being as brave, resourceful, loving, and resilient, and
now looking for the beauty in life no matter what are circumstances are. In
this way, they will live on through us, our children, our grandchildren, and
great grandchildren from this time forth and forever more.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Will the real fifth question please stand up.
The real fifth question[1]
Many of you have learned because many of us have taught that
the text of the Haggadah eliminates Moses from the narrative to emphasize God’s
role in the redemption of the Jewish people.
Indeed God is the hero of the story. “In every generation they stand up
against us to destroy us-and the Holy Blessed One saves us from their hand!”
“’God brought us out of Egypt ’-not
by an angel, not by an archangel, and not by a messenger. It was God alone, in His glory, and by
With the above quotes, the rabbis emphasized God’s role in
order to exclude other supernatural beings that the pagans believed in. Although God wrought miracles in the land of Egypt to free the Israelite slaves, this
fact does not preclude human participation in the drama of the Exodus. The
Haggadah itself subtly teaches us that human participation was a necessary
component in the story of the Exodus.
Allow me to illuminate several examples from the Haggadah to demonstrate
how important human participation truly was.
We find Moses mentioned in the Haggadah twice, once directly
by name and once he was alluded to.
“’Signs’-This is the staff. It is
written, “Take this staff in your hands (Moses), and with it perform the
signs.’ (Exodus 4:17 )” “At
the Red Sea it is written, ‘Israel
saw the great hand that God had directed against Egypt . The people feared God and in his servant
Moses.’ Exodus 14:31” The first quote introduces Moses to Pharaoh for the very
first time and the second quote is when he leaves Pharaoh on the shore of the Red Sea . These two
verses found in the Haggadah serve as bookends which highlight the importance of Moses throughout the
entire story. Let’s face it. The staff that ate the magician’s staffs when
they were all turned into snakes just didn’t walk into Pharaoh’s court all by
itself. Moses brought this staff with
him when told Pharaoh, “Let my people go!”
The second quote alludes to Moses standing over the Red
Sea with his staff outstretched over the waters to part them. As
you can see, the Haggadah doesn’t think Moses was chop liver.
Speaking of the Red Sea
episode, according to the Midrash the water didn’t part until Nachshon ben
Aminadav from the tribe of Judah
took a leap of faith and jumped into the water.
Only after he jumped in, did the water split. Once again showing how important human
participation was in the saving of the Jewish people.
The Talmud in Sotah 12a teaches us that if it wasn’t for the
righteous Jewish women of that generation, the Israelites wouldn’t have been
redeemed out of the land
of Egypt . The apple, nut, and wine mixture, Charoset, alludes to one example of
these righteous women. Of course, the Charoset symbolizes the mortar the
Jewish people used to build the pyramids.
Nevertheless, the Charoset hints
to another Midrash. Pharaoh used back breaking
labor as an effective birth control method. At the end of the day the Jewish men were too exhausted
to do anything else. The Jewish women
realized this would be disastrous because there would be no future generations
to come into this world. When the men
broke for lunch, the women went to the apple orchards where the men were
resting, brought them lunch, and seduced them. Without these women subverting
Pharaoh’s schemes, Moses, Aaron, Miriam, would never have been born. The apples in the Charoset remind us of these righteous women!
Finally, the Haggadah has a strange verse from Ezekiel “I
made you as the plants of the field. You
became many and grew, and became mature.
Your breasts were full, your hair was grown, but you were naked and
bare. (Ezekiel 16:7) I passed by you
and saw you covered with blood, and I said to you, ‘By your blood you shall
live!’ and I said to you, ‘By your blood you shall live! (Ezekiel 16:6) Why are we talking about a naked person
covered with blood? The Zohar, the book
of Jewish mysticism, explains why this verse is quoted in the Haggadah. God does not manifest providence-rewarding
virtue or punishing evil until He witness human actions. “Rabbi Yehudah said,
‘If so, why blood?...(Rabbi Yossi) replied, ‘There were two bloods: one of circumcision
and one of the Paschal Lamb. Of circumcision, Compassion (the sefirah of
Hesed); of the Paschal Lamb, Judgment (the sefirah of Din). Before the
Israelites left they had to circumcise all the males and offer up the Paschal
Lamb. The midrashic interpretation is
apparently based on the repetition of the exclamation “In your blood live” In other words, the Israelites were naked of
commandments and thereby they weren’t worthy of redemption until they did
something. Without the bloods of circumcision and Paschal Lamb they would not
have been redeemed. Only after they
observed these two mitzvot would God make the Exodus happened.
God is great, but without our ancestors’ active
participation in the events leading up to the Exodus “then even we, our children
and our children’s children would still be slaves in Egypt .” What was true for our ancestors is true for
us today. If we want to see a redeemed
world, we have to act as God’s partners. Only when we do our share, will the
Holy One be aroused and manifest His providence. So the real fifth question isn’t “When do we
eat?”, but rather “What am I doing to bring redemption closer?” Answer that question correctly and we shall
no longer need to say “Next Year In Jerusalem.”
Hag Pesach Samayach!
[1] I am indebted
to David Arnow. This blog is inspired by
his article “The Passover Haggadah: Moses and the Human Role in
Redemption.” To read this article go to and click on the
articles tab. You will see a fuller
discussion of this topic.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Deja vu all over again
“Déjà vu all over again” Yogi Berra
Back in 2009 Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced a
Pentagon review of the deadly shooting that left 13 dead and another 24 wounded
at Food Hood to help ensure that “nothing like this ever happens again.”
It’s déjà vu all over again.
5 years later a depressed Iraq veteran potentially suffering from post
traumatic stress shot and killed 3 people and wounding 16 others before turning
his gun on himself at Fort Hood this past Wednesday, April 2, 2014. According to the New York Times (April 4,
2014), “Specialist Lopez bought his gun at the same shop near the base where
the 2009 gunman, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, bought his weapon. Each shooting started in a medical support
area for troops, and each ended when the gunman confronted a female police
officer rushing to the scene.
It’s déjà vu all over again. Just this past September there
was another shooting spree leaving 12 people dead at the Washington Navy Yard.
It’s déjà vu all over again.
Every month New York Times columnist Joe Nocera publishes a list of gun
violence occurrences in order to put a human face to victims and not let them
be an anonymous number. Here is his
April 3 Gun Report:
Lee Nun, 9, was shot to death by his 12-year-old brother near Panama,
Okla., Wednesday afternoon. The boys were reportedly playing with a gun,
and it discharged and hit the victim in the chest. The boy’s mother and other
children were home at the time. Authorities are investigating how the children
got the gun.
9-year-old girl was hit in the back by a stray bullet as she was doing homework
in the dining room of her home in Youngstown, Ohio, early Tuesday.
Police said the girl was caught in an exchange of gunfire several yards from
the home. No arrests have been made.
people—Lacravia Collier, Franklin Mitchell and Lashawn Tyson—were shot and
wounded following an argument outside an apartment complex in Greenville,
N.C., early Wednesday. Police believe the shooting stemmed from a fight at
Buffalo Wild Wings earlier that night. No arrests have been made.
Sams, 20, and Wilneka Pennyman, 19, were killed in a drive-by shooting in front
of a home in the Little Haiti neighborhood of Miami, Fla., early
Wednesday. Pennyman tried to run off but collapsed outside the home. Sams was
found dead in a car parked outside. Police are not sure if they were targeted.
Vaughn Green, 33, was shot and killed by a man who then turned the gun on
himself at an apartment complex inRussellville, Ky., Wednesday
afternoon. A neighbor said the suspect, Kenneth Temple, was the victim’s ex-husband
or ex-boyfriend, and he had just spoken to the woman’s current boyfriend before
opening fire in the parking lot. Green and Temple leave behind two children.
Nicole Mitchell, 33, a mother of four, was shot and killed during a domestic
disturbance at a home in Brunswick, Ga., Tuesday. Jermaine Javon
Thomas, 37, fled the scene but was arrested the next day.
45-year-old woman was shot and killed in front of her children during a dispute
with her domestic partner in Newton County, S.C., Tuesday night.
The victim’s 12-year-old daughter was shot in the hand, and the suspect’s
3-year-old grandson witnessed the shooting. Aaron Garsua McClain, 45, was
arrested at a motel inGeorgia.
20-year-old man was shot and wounded while trying to defuse a domestic dispute
in an apartment in Fall River, Mass., Wednesday afternoon.
Guillermo Santana, 29, is being sought.
man shot himself after crashing his car into the car of a woman with whom he
was having a domestic dispute in Loudoun County, Va., Tuesday evening.
He is being treated for life-threatening injuries.
21-year-old man was shot and killed at a home in Markham, Ill.,
Tuesday night. Police have launched a widespread search for suspects.
Quarels, 21, was killed and another man was wounded in a shooting in east Oakland,
Calif., Tuesday night. The victims were shot while driving a rental car.
Police don’t have a motive and have not yet made an arrest.
35-year-old man and a 27-year-old woman were shot multiple times and killed in
north St. Louis, Mo., Wednesday afternoon. Their bodies were found
in a car across the street from a middle school.
woman was shot and wounded in a townhouse development inLower Paxton
Township, Pa., early Wednesday. Neighbors said the woman kept a low
profile. She is not cooperating with police.
25-year-old man was found lying in a driveway with a single gunshot wound to
his chest following a disturbance at a home inOwasso, Okla., Tuesday
night. Witnesses told police the shooter was Ryan Brashier, 23, who surrendered
to officers outside a QuikTrip store. Police did not reveal a motive.
Roshawn Campbell, 24, was shot multiple times and killed in High Point,
N.C., Tuesday night. His body was found lying in the road. Anyone with
information about the incident is asked to call police.
Boone, 21, was killed and a 23-year-old man was wounded in a shooting in Beverly
Hills, Mo., early Wednesday. There’s no word on suspects.
woman in her 60s was shot during an attempted robbery inYork, Pa.,
Wednesday night. Police are searching for a suspect.
man was shot and wounded during a fight in front of a home inDesert Hot
Springs, Calif., Wednesday evening. Police are asking anyone with
information to contact them.
Curtis Scott, 23, was shot and killed at a home inRidgeland, S.C.,
Tuesday. Devin Dwayne Swinton, 23, is being sought. He is considered armed and
Lorenzo Williams, 64, was killed in a drive-by shooting while on his way home
from church in Spartanburg County, S.C., Wednesday night. The
victim was on the phone with his wife when he was shot, and his car crashed in
a parking lot across from a fitness club. Police said the shooting appears to
be random. No arrests have been made.
Sawyer was shot in the face during an argument with his neighbor involving
romantic jealousy in Valdosta, Ga., Tuesday night. The victim’s
fiancé said Hubert Heflin, 48, called her a bad name, and has been trying to
break up her relationship for years. Heflin, an ex-convict, was arrested.
Police said the victim will likely lose his eye.
Benjamin Trapuzzano, 24, was shot and killed during an attempted robbery while
he was power walking near his home in Indianapolis, Ind., Tuesday
morning. Surveillance video shows one of the would-be robbers shooting the
victim in the stomach. His wife was expecting their first child. “As with many
tragedies, this seems so senseless, and yet the outpouring of love and support
reminds us that there is so much good in this world,” his family said in a
statement. No word on arrests. In a separate shooting late that night, a man
was found shot and
critically injured in an alley behind a row of houses on the northwest side
of Indianapolis. No word on a suspect.
17-year-old boy was shot and wounded while allegedly breaking into a home in
the Montbello neighborhood of Denver, Colo., Tuesday afternoon. The
homeowner was not arrested. Police will present their findings to the district
attorney’s office, which will determine charges.
woman was shot as she walked out of a business along a busy stretch of Stockton,
Calif., Tuesday night. Officers were responding to a fight and gunshots
outside a nearby restaurant when they located the victim in her car. A possible
suspect was spotted running from the area.
woman was shot and critically injured in the Berea neighborhood of Baltimore,
Md., late Wednesday. Police have not released a suspect description or
28-year-old man was shot and killed on a street in the Harlem neighborhood
of Manhattan, N.Y., early Tuesday. Police canvassed the area for a
shooter, but he or she remains at large.
Deon Mangle, 43, was shot to death in his apartment inHarvey, La.,
Wednesday night. The victim’s son said family members were in their apartment
when intruders kicked in the door and shot the victim in the head, “like it was
22-year-old man was shot multiple times and killed in a suspected gang-related
attack in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles, Calif.,
Wednesday afternoon. The victim was found on a sidewalk. No arrests have been
16-year-old boy was shot in the thigh in a home in the Point Breeze
neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pa., Wednesday night. Investigators
said someone is in custody. No word on a motive.
Hagler, 24, was shot in the stomach and killed inWilmington, Del.,
Wednesday afternoon. The victim, who went by “Man-Man,” was found in his car
near the Wilmington Housing Authority’s Riverside project. He leaves behind two
daughters under the age of three.
W. Forste, 31, was shot and killed during an argument at his apartment in Valparaiso,
Ind., early Wednesday. The suspect, who shot the victim multiple times with
an AR-15 rifle, confessed to police at the scene. No motive was given.
man was shot and killed on the north side of Saginaw, Mich.,
Wednesday afternoon. At the time of the shooting, local police were preparing
for a citywide anti-violence march.
21-year-old woman was shot in the knee in an apartment building in the
Englewood neighborhood of Chicago early Wednesday. A man was
detained for questioning. No word on a motive.
to the Gun Violence
Archive, 4,280 people have been injured by gun
violence in America and 2,624 have been killed since Jan. 1,
I wondered how the 4 children in the Haggadah would respond
to all this gun violence? Here is my
Four Children and gun violence
wise child says: The vast majority of Americans want sane gun laws to curb
senseless gun violence and needless death. “Over 75% of the American people are
on our side; American mainline denominations are on our side; 75% of NRA
members are on our side. The only possible thing that could stand in our way is
to forget who we are (that we are created in God’s own image) and why God put
us here (to be His partner to perfect the world). “ (America and its Guns Page 213)
wicked child says: There are no
circumstances when regulation or restriction should be placed upon the
acquisition of guns. Guns don’t kill, only people kill. Guns represent
Judaism’s most cherished values of self-preservation. Besides I don’t know anybody personally who
was killed by gun violence.
simple child says: Why would anybody
want to come into my school with machine gun and kill so many of my friends?
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Gun Violence as the 10 Plagues
I feel like the Vizzini character in the movie “The
Princess Bride.”
has just cut the rope The Dread Pirate Roberts is climbing up a steep cliff]
Just over a
year since the Sandy Hook Massacre where Adam Lanza murdered 20 children and
six adult staff members, 70 laws have been passed to loosen gun
restrictions. Inconceivable. As I write this a bill expanding how people
can buy, carry, and use guns in Georgia is now waiting for the governor’s
expected signature. It reduces licensing requirements and provides Georgians
with a stronger “Stand Your Ground Defense.
This bill will allow people to carry loaded guns in more places than
ever before, including bars. Aren’t
there enough fights in an overheated alcohol induced state already without guns
being present? Inconceivable. They may also be carried in unsecured areas of
airports. Even toting a gun in secured areas will merely be a misdemeanor in
Georgia as long as you did it by mistake. After all, who among us has not had
the embarrassing experience of forgetting they were carrying their Glock
semiautomatic through airport security? (From the New York Times editorials of
March 25 and 26, 2014)
The Republicans
wanted to include allowing guns on college campuses and in Houses of Worship. Inconceivable! Thank God, at least these measures failed. I am gratified to learn that the lawmakers continued the ban in government buildings with security checkpoints, like the Capital where they work. Of course guns are welcomed in any unsecured government building. Inconceivable.
Now President Obama’s
nominee, Dr. Vivek Murthy, to become the next Surgeon General is getting fierce
push back from the NRA and their paid-off friends in Congress, because he
tweeted: “Tired of politicians playing politics w/ guns, putting lives at risk
b/c they’re scared of NRA. Guns are a health care issue. #debatehealth” Even
some Democrats who are up for re-election this year are feeling the heat from
the NRA and are leaning to veto this excellently qualified doctor from Harvard
to the post of Surgeon General. Gun
violence is a health care issue here in America . The number of people murdered and seriously
injured due to guns violence has only increased each and every year now. I
guess job security is more important that doing what is right. Inconceivable.
Maybe the word
doesn’t mean what I think it does.
On Passover we remove
a drop of wine each time we recite one of the 10 plagues. We diminish our cup
of joy because our redemption came on the back of other people’s
suffering. The Egyptians had to bear
each and every one of those plagues. I
have written a new set of 10 plagues based upon the scourge of gun violence in
our midst. Perhaps we should further diminish our cup of joy this year as we
recite these new 10 plagues with our prayer that the inconceivable laws to
reduce gun violence become conceivable.
violence’s 10 Plagues
1. In most states, a person can buy and
own a gun without knowing how to use it and there are no requirements that gun
owners are trained in the safe operation of guns.
2. More than 50% of guns acquired at
crime scenes come from only 1% of gun dealers.
The ATF knows who the rogue dealers are, but present law blocks the
agency from publicizing their activities or putting them out of business.
3. Some gun owners have turned their
guns into idols for they
a. Nurture deep emotional attachments to
instruments that are made to kill.
b. Grow threaten and angry when gun
values are questioned and refuse honest dialogue about the place of guns in
c. Support no preventive measures to stop
gun violence, only punishment.
d. Show little or no grief for society’s
gun victims.
e. Vigorous oppose any law to restrict
sales to the most dangerous members of society.
an absolute, unrestricted, unregulated constitutional right to use their guns against
our government if they consider it tyrannical.
g. Claim the blessing of a loving God on
weapons that kill.
h. Believe the solution to gun violence
is to have more guns.
4. We cultivate a language of a gun
culture when we use such common phrases as
a. Big shot
b. Hot shot
c. My aim was off
d. The smoking gun
e. Trigger happy
to your guns
g. Go off half –cocked
h. Shoot from the hip
is a straight shooter
a shot in the dark
k. I’ll be a son of a gun especially
when my father is a pistol
m. Shot down
n. You call the shots
o. Don’t shoot the messenger.
p. How many more expressions can you
think of?
5. The soaring medical cost caring for
the victims of gun violence
a. A report, “Gun Violence Among
School-Age Youth in Chicago” calculated the annual cost of gun violence at $2.5
billion, or $2,500 per Chicago household
b. This is just for Chicago. Dare we do the math for the entire country?
6. Guns manufacturers are advertising
women and children “friendly” fire arms.
a. Most women that purchase handguns do so to make
themselves safer, but do they have that effect? The Violence Policy Center took
a look at the 2011 homicide data and found that the opposite was true. Not only
does having a gun in the home greatly increase a woman’s risk of intimate
partner homicide, it provides no protection against homicide. Children are not
only at risk to die a gun death themselves, they are also at high risk to
losing their mother to a gun
7. Too many loopholes allowing people to
get around background checks like at gun shows.
a. The Brady Bill, which went into effect in 1994,
instituted federal background checks on firearm purchases to prevent prohibited
people from owning guns. Mayors Against Illegal Guns studied the efficacy of
these background checks in preventing violent crimes, and their results were
astounding. 16 states and the District of Columbia also require background
checks on private sales, and those states are consistently safer. The data
shows that background checks do work.
8. Congress has failed to ban
semi-automatic assault weapons and limit the number of rounds in a magazine.
a. There have been nearly 2 mass shootings a month
during the last four years, 93 total. Mayors Against Illegal Guns used FBI data
to survey every incident where at least 4 people were murdered with a gun. They
noted that use of assault weapons and/or high capacity magazines resulted in
151% more people shot and 63% more people killed. No more than 15% of mass
shootings took place in “gun – free zones”. Learn the truth about mass
shootings, and what can prevent the next one.
9. Stand your Ground laws
The killings of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis brought national
attention to the prevalent “shoot first” laws. The Law Center to Prevent Gun
Violence studied the impact of these laws and found that they increase, not
decrease, violence. They also learned that “shoot first” laws combined with lax
concealed carry laws combine to create a license to kill.
10. Over 32,000 American’s are killed by guns
every year.
a. This is an epidemic. In 2010 15,576 children
and teens were injured or killed by guns. More children and teens are losing
their lives to guns now than they are to cancer. Our national gun violence
problem has become such an epidemic that pediatricians now see guns “as much of
a threat as bacteria and viruses.”
All facts
for the plagues of gun violence come from either America and Its Guns: A
Theological Expose by James E. Altwood or Moms Demand Action at
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Bearing False Witness
Last week David Brooks wrote an op-ed article “The Prodigal
Sons.” I responded to his piece with a letter to the editor of the New York
Times. I didn't expect my letter to be
published because I wasn’t commenting on the content of his op-ed, but to just
one sentence in it.
Thanks to my brother George, I was very familiar with the
story of the Prodigal Son found in the Christian testament, Luke 15:1-32. He recommended the book The Return of the
Prodigal Son: A Story of Home Coming by Henri J.M. Nouwen. Nouwen is a
Catholic priest who wrote this meditation of the meaning of the story based
upon Rembrandt’s painting of this story.
For those who do not know the simple story line it goes like this.
A father has two sons.
The younger didn’t want to wait for his inheritance and asked for it
while his father was still alive. The
father divided his estate into two equal parts.
He gave one to the elder son and one to the younger son. The elder son remained home and worked the
property, maintaining its value, and taking care of his father. The younger son took the money and ran
away. After a time he had squandered his
entire inheritance. How so? I am reminded of an old joke. A millionaire was asked how he lost his
fortune. He replied. “I spent ¼ of it on fast race cars, ¼ of it
on fast ponies at the race track, ¼ of it on fast women, and the rest I just
wasted.” Now penniless, all the younger
son’s false friends abandoned him at best or took advantage of him at
worse. Finally, the son realized that
his own father’s slaves fared better than he so he decided to return.
When he returned home, his father welcomed him back with
opened arms, threw a big party, and slaughtered the fated calf. The older brother grumbled how unfair that
was. He remained home and did everything
that was correct and right, but his father never threw him a party and killed
the fated calf. But when his brother
returned home after wasting all of the inheritance, the father throws him a big
bash. The father comforts the older son
says to the effect all that I have is yours.
I am just happy my other son is home.
It is a great parable of love and forgiveness. As I learned in Nouwen’s book, there are many
different Christian interpretation of this story. I found fault with David Brooks’
interpretation. To be specific, the context he set the story. Brooks wrote: “The father’s example is
especially pernicious now, the critics continue. Jesus preached it at the time of the
Pharisees, in an overly rigid and rule-bound society. In those circumstances, a story of radical
forgiveness was a useful antidote to the prevailing legalism.” He perpetuates that anti-Jewish canard that
Judaism is the religion of law and Christianity is the religion of love and
grace. Amy-Jill Levine writes: “…But
problems enter when homilists or teachers do not know Jewish history or
theology and out of ignorance construct a negative Judaism over and against
which they position Jesus, or when they presume that Jesus’ numerous insightful
and inspirational comments are original to him rather than part of his Jewish
identity.” (“Bearing False Witness: Common Errors Made About Early Judaism”
found in The Jewish Annotated New Testament.) What Brooks doesn’t know
about early Judaism can fill volumes.
Here is my letter to the editor:
David Brooks in his op-ed article “Prodigal Sons”
(Tuesday, February 18, 2014) demonstrates his lack of Jewish history and
theology and out of ignorance continues to use an anti-Jewish interpretation of
the Prodigal Sons gospel story by claiming that “Jesus preached it at the time
of the Pharisees, in an overly rigid and rule bound society.” By doing so
he continues the canard that Judaism is the religion of law and Christianity is
the religion of grace. We Jews have never found the observance of the
commandments burdensome any more than people find their country’s laws.
Just the opposite. We have always seen the commandments as a sign
of God’s love for the Jewish people Rabbi Hananiah ben Akashya said: “The
Holy One, praised be He, desired to grant merit to Israel ; and therefore has He given
them a copious Torah and many commandments.” In reality any modern state today
has more laws on the books than there are in all the Jewish sources put
together. As a Jew, Jesus sometimes makes the law even more stringent.
For example, he considers For example, he includes in adultery remarriage after
a divorce. (Mt 19:9) Even though Mr. Brooks conclusion may resonate, he
should, as the rabbis teach, “be careful in the words he uses.”
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