Daf TB Baba Batra 123 begins the discussion about the right of
the firstborn to receive a double portion of the inheritance from his father.
The Gemara goes on a slight tangent and talks about Jacob, Rachel, and Leah.
Although the set-up question is not readily known, the answer is very well
known because Rashi cites it as part of his commentary on Genesis 29:17. Since
we’ll read this story in parashat Vayetze
on December 7, this will be a good opportunity to peek ahead of what’s coming
up in the later chapters of Genesis.
doesn’t your teacher Rabbi Yonatan say like this: It was appropriate for
the child receiving the status of firstborn to emerge from Rachel, as it is
written: “These are the generations of Jacob, Joseph” (Genesis 37:2),
indicating that Joseph was Jacob’s primary progeny. But Leah advanced
ahead of Rachel with appeals for mercy, i.e., with prayer, and
thereby earned the status as firstborn for her firstborn. But because of
the modesty that Rachel possessed, the Holy One, Blessed be He, returned
the status as firstborn to her. This is why Jacob gave the status as
firstborn to Joseph.
“The Gemara explains this answer: What
does it mean that Leah advanced ahead of Rachel with mercy? As it is
written: “And Leah’s eyes were weak [rakkot]” (Genesis 29:17). What
is the meaning of “rakkot”? If we say that her eyes were literally
weak, is it possible that the verse would say that? The verse
there did not speak to the disparagement of even a non-kosher animal,
as it is written: “From the pure animals and from the animals that are lacking
purity” (Genesis 7:8). The verse states: “That are lacking purity” rather
than stating explicitly and disparagingly: That are impure. If that is so with
regard to animals, did the verse speak here to the disparagement of
the righteous? Rather, Rabbi Elazar says: The term alludes to the fact that
her gifts, i.e., the gifts given to her descendants, e.g., the priesthood
and the monarchy, were long-lasting [arukkot], as they were
passed down from generation to generation.
“Rav says that there is a
different explanation of the verse: Actually, the verse means that her
eyes were literally weak, and this is not a denigration of her but a
praise of her. As she would hear people at the crossroads, coming from the
land of Canaan, who would say: Rebecca has two sons, and her brother Laban
has two daughters; the older daughter will be married to the older
son, and the younger daughter will be married to the younger
“Rav continues: And she would sit
at the crossroads and ask: What are the deeds of the older
son? The passersby would answer: He is an evil man, and he robs
people. She would ask: What are the deeds of the younger
son? They would answer: He is “a quiet man, dwelling in tents” (Genesis
25:27). And because she was so distraught at the prospect of marrying
the evil brother, she would cry and pray for mercy until her
eyelashes fell out. Since the weakness of her eyes was due to this cause,
characterizing her eyes as weak constitutes praise. This is Leah’s prayer for
mercy to which Rabbi Yonatan referred.
“The Gemara comments: And her
desire not to marry Esau is the basis of that which is written: “And the
Lord saw that Leah was hated, and He opened her womb” (Genesis 29:31). What
is the meaning of “hated”? If we say that she was literally hated,
is it possible? The verse there did not speak to the disparagement of
even a non-kosher animal, so did the verse here speak to the
disparagement of the righteous? Rather, the Holy One, Blessed be He, saw that
the behavior of Esau was hated by her, and therefore: “And He opened her
“The Gemara now explains the second
part of Rabbi Yonatan’s explanation: And what was a demonstration of the
modesty that Rachel possessed? As it is written: “And Jacob told Rachel that
he was her father’s brother, and that he was Rebecca’s son” (Genesis
29:12). The Gemara asks: But isn’t he the son of her father’s sister?
Why did he say that he was her father’s brother? Rather, Jacob and
Rachel had the following exchange: Jacob said to Rachel: Will you
marry me? Rachel said to him: Yes, but my father is a deceitful
person, and you cannot defeat him.
“Jacob said to her: What is his
method of deceit of which I need be aware? Rachel said to him: I have
a sister who is older than me, and he will not marry me off before
he marries her off, even if he promises that he will do so. Jacob said
to her: I am his brother, i.e., equal, in deceit, and he will not be
able to deceive me. That is why Jacob said that he was “her father’s brother.”
Rachel said to him: But is it permitted for the righteous to act
deceitfully? Jacob answered her: Yes, in certain circumstances. As
the verse states concerning God: “With the pure You show Yourself pure; and
with the crooked You show Yourself subtle” (II Samuel 22:27).
Therefore, to counter Laban’s deceit, Jacob gave Rachel secret signs
to prove to him that she was the one marrying him.
“Laban did in fact attempt to have Jacob
marry Leah instead of marrying Rachel. When Laban’s associates were
bringing Leah up to the wedding canopy to marry Jacob, Rachel thought:
Now my sister will be humiliated when Jacob discovers that she is the one
marrying him. Therefore, Rachel gave the signs to Leah. And
this is as it is written: “And it came to pass in the morning that, behold, it
was Leah” (Genesis 29:25). This verse is difficult, as by inference,
should one derive that until now she was not Leah? Rather, through the signs
that Jacob gave to Rachel and that she gave to Leah, he did not know it was
she until that moment. This is the modesty of Rachel to which Rabbi
Yonatan was referring.” (Sefaria.org translation)
Not to use disparaging language nor
embarrassing somebody are two important lessons we learn from this sugiya. If we our careful on what we say
and how we act, certainly the new year 5785 which just has begun could help return
civility to all of our discussions.