googled Passover games and Passover parodies. Here are some of the search
the right Haggadah for your family Passover resources for families
something different and get the children out of their seats.
a. “So the people took their dough
before it was leavened, their kneading bowls wrapped in their cloaks upon their
shoulders.” (Exodus 12:34)”
b. Crossed the Sea of Reeds using blue
c. Have the children hide the afikomen
from the adults
d. Make a tent floor and hold the Seder
there until the meal.
magic to illustrate parts of the story.
library: https://pjlibrary.org/passover?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwztOwBhD7ARIsAPDKnkAWX2dV0bGKKxbuzDeSmDokIfyawjAvLEcOj4h6CexnAC4DYmLJ1G0aAsbJEALw_wcB
games for kids
fun Passover games for kids will help keep everyone having fun and bonding
throughout the celebration. Adults can join, too!
search. This is a give-in, but one of the best Passover games for kids
is the search for the afikomen. If the children are varied in age, consider
pairing up the youngest and oldest children so they can work as a team.
scavenger hunt. Why search for just the afikomen? Set up a full Passover
scavenger hunt and ask the children to also find items like a size 12 shoe and
meaningful memories like an old family story.
topping contest. Challenge the children in their family to create matzah
creations and then let the family decide on the winners. There are so
many benefits
of cooking with kids, plus you might even find your new favorite Passover snack!
BINGO. Create BINGO cards that are themed for Passover and your
family. For example, you can put items from the seder plate and Passover dinner
on the card as well as fun family moments like grandpa falling asleep on the
are my 10 tips to how you can gamify your Seder. Ready?
- In
Six Words: Come
up with discussion questions before the Seder about Passover, freedom, and
related themes. When you ask the questions, your Seder participants must
limit their answers to exactly six words: no more and no less.
- Truth
or Dare: Keep
people on their toes! Prepare a bunch of cards beforehand. On some, write
out Passover questions which are answered in the Haggadah (Ex: what is the
3rd question of the Mah Nishtana?). On others, write a dare that
participants have to do at a specific point during the Seder. (Ex: Whip
out your Egyptian dancing moves at the first mention of Egypt). This will
lead to many truths and silly antics throughout the night.
- Catch
the Phrase: Using
an online noun-generator before the Seder, prepare a bunch of cards. Each
card should have two random nouns and one word related to Passover. (Ex:
shoelace, pickle, Haggadah.) Each participant should get a card at the
beginning of the Seder, and the challenge is to incorporate all three
words in one sentence at some point during the meal. A player is
successful if a full minute goes by after saying their sentence without
being called out.
- Stop
and Pose: Challenge
your Seder participants to come up with a yoga pose, based on an action
from the Haggadah. They should name the pose and demonstrate it of course.
(Ex: Walking through the split sea.)
- Get
Rid of the Chametz: Print out a paper containing a little piece
of bread before the Seder. Instruct all your participants that the person
who has the chametz in their possession at the end of the Seder loses. Get
the game started by sneaking it into someone’s shoe or pocket. The fun
- Hidden
Qs: Why
just search for the afikomen? Hide little question slips of paper around
the room. When participants find them, they answer the question and
receive a point for the correct answer. Whoever has the most at the end of
the night is the winner.
- The
Search: Beforehand,
create a bunch of cards, each with a phrase from the Haggadah. Give out the
cards at the beginning of the Seder, and instruct each participant to
dance, cheer, or clap when their phrase appears.
- Jeopardy: Throughout
the Seder, keep people engaged by asking questions, Jeopardy-style. Ask
the other participants to come up with the correct questions.
- Reverse
Charades: Create
a bunch of cards before the Seder, each with an action or noun related to
Passover. (Ex: the Seder plate, making matzah.) Throughout the Seder, have
participants leave the room, one at a time. Pick a card and pass it around
for everyone else at your Seder. Call back the player, and have everyone
act the card out: together, until that player guesses correctly.
- Two
Truths and a Lie: I had to end with this one, of course. At
the beginning of the Seder, ask everyone to come up with 3 statements
about themselves, all relating to Passover. But only two should be true.
Invite everyone to share their three at any point in the Seder, and
everyone else has to guess which is the false statement.
Contestants try to complete a task in just one
minute. With only 60 seconds on the clock, can anyone complete these Passover
Frogs: Play spoon frog! Players must use a
teaspoon to catapult another teaspoon into a glass. Check out the YouTube video for help.
Hail: You will need ping pong balls and spoons
for this one (feel free to substitute marshmallows, golf balls or cotton balls
if you don’t have ping pong balls handy). Give each player a spoon and ball of
“hail” (ping pong ball). Each person must walk holding the spoon with the
“hail” on the end to a designated point and back within the minute.
Blood: Contestants carry water in small dixie
cups to pitchers with red food coloring at the bottom. Can they fill the
pitcher in 60 seconds?
Darkness: Blindfolded bowling! Contestants
bowl blindfolded as many times as needed until they knock all the pins down or
the minute is up. (Don’t happen to have a bowling set at home? Use plastic
cups, toilet paper rolls, water bottles, etc.)
games: https://akidsheart.com/holidays/days/pesachgm.htm