There has always been rivalry
between colleges. Sometimes this rivalry is more pronounced in the athletic arena
is sometimes in the academic arena. The schools of “Eretz Yisrael” and “Babylonia”
were no different as this story demonstrates. The text comes from and
my comments are found in the parentheses.
There was a certain man who
desired to show another individual’s straw to the gentile
authorities, who would seize it. He came before Rav, who said to him:
Do not show it and do not show it, i.e., you are absolutely
prohibited from showing it. The man said to him: I will show it and I
will show it, i.e., I will certainly show it. Rav Kahana was sitting
before Rav, and, hearing the man’s disrespectful response, he dislodged
the man’s neck from him, i.e., he broke his neck and killed him.
Seeing Rav Kahana’s action, Rav
read the following verse about him: “Your sons have fainted, they lie at
the head of all the streets, as an antelope in a net” (Isaiah 51:20). Just
as with regard to this antelope, once it falls into the net, the
hunter does not have mercy upon it, so too with regard to the money
of a Jew, once it falls into the hand of gentiles, they do not have mercy upon
him, i.e., the Jew. Since gentiles who seek a Jew’s money will kill him in
order to seize the property, Rav Kahana acted appropriately when he broke the
miscreant’s neck, as he protected the Jew’s property and, by extension, the Jew
This Rav then said to Rav Kahana: Kahana, until now there
were Persian rulers who were not particular about bloodshed. But now
there are Greeks who are particular about bloodshed, and they will say:
Murder [meradin], murder, and they will press charges against you.
Therefore, get up and ascend to Eretz Yisrael to study there
under Rabbi Yoḥanan, and accept upon yourself that you will not raise
any difficulties to the statements of Rabbi Yoḥanan for seven
years. (Rav apparently knows Rav
Kahana best. Rav Kakana is not only self-assured but also a hothead whose
actions can get himself into trouble. He has to flee to Eretz Yisrael for his
life. Rav advises to keep a low profile for seven years so he won’t get into
any trouble. Once people get to know him well, he can conduct himself in his
usual manner without upsetting anybody.-What are the odds that he can’t control
Rav Kahana went to Eretz
Yisrael and found Reish Lakish, who was sitting and reviewing Rabbi
Yoḥanan’s daily lecture in the academy for the Rabbis, i.e., the
students in the academy. When he finished, Rav Kahana said to the
students: Where is Reish Lakish? They said to him: Why do you wish to
see him? Rav Kahana said to them: I have this difficulty and that
difficulty with his review of Rabbi Yoḥanan’s lecture, and this
resolution and that resolution to the questions he raised. They told
this to Reish Lakish. Reish Lakish then went and said to Rabbi
Yoḥanan: A lion has ascended from Babylonia, and the Master ought to
examine the discourse he will deliver in the academy tomorrow, as
Rav Kahana may raise difficult questions about the material.
The next day, they seated Rav Kahana in the first row, in front of Rabbi Yoḥanan.
Rabbi Yoḥanan stated a halakha and Rav Kahana did not raise a
difficulty, in accordance with Rav’s instruction. Rabbi Yoḥanan stated
another halakha and again, Rav Kahana did not raise a
difficulty. As a result, they placed Rav Kahana further back
by one row. This occurred until he had been moved back seven rows, until he
was seated in the last row. Rabbi Yoḥanan said to Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish: The
lion you mentioned has become a fox, i.e., he is not knowledgeable. (Rav
Kahana’s ego must be terribly bruised. We shall see they just couldn’t keep
Rav Kahana said to himself: May
it be God’s will that these seven rows I have been moved should
replace the seven years that Rav told me to wait before raising
difficulties to the statements of Rabbi Yoḥanan. He stood up on his feet and
said to Rabbi Yoḥanan: Let the Master go back to the beginning of
the discourse and repeat what he said. Rabbi Yoḥanan stated a halakha
and Rav Kahana raised a difficulty. Therefore, they placed him in
the first row, and again, Rav Yoḥanan stated a halakha, and he
raised a difficulty.
Rabbi Yoḥanan was sitting upon seven
cushions [bistarkei] so that he
could be seen by all the students, and since he could not answer Rav
Kahana’s questions, he removed one cushion from under himself to
demonstrate that he was lowering himself out of respect for Rav Kahana. He then
stated another halakha and Rav Kahana raised
another difficulty. This happened repeatedly until Rabbi Yoḥanan removed
all the cushions from underneath himself until he was sitting on the ground. (We can understand the removal of the
cushions as a metaphor for the lowering of the Rabbi Yoḥanan’s status.-gg) Rabbi Yoḥanan was an old man and his
eyebrows drooped over his eyes. He said to his students: Uncover
my eyes for me and I will see Rav Kahana, so they uncovered his eyes
for him with a silver eye brush. (Rabbi Yoḥanan was blinded and could see the Rav Kahana for the
scholar that he was. Even with his eyes open we shall see that Rabbi Yoḥanan
really didn’t see Rav Kahana.-gg)
Once his eyes were uncovered, Rabbi
Yoḥanan saw that Rav Kahana’s lips were split and thought
that Rav Kahana was smirking at him. As a result, Rabbi Yoḥanan was
offended, and Rav Kahana died as punishment for the fact that he
offended Rabbi Yoḥanan. The next day, Rabbi Yoḥanan said to the Rabbis,
his students: Did you see how that Babylonian, Rav Kahana, behaved
in such a disrespectful manner? They said to him: His usual manner
of appearance is such, and he was not mocking you. Hearing this, Rabbi
Yoḥanan went up to Rav Kahana’s burial cave and saw that it
was encircled by a serpent [akhna], which had placed its tail
in its mouth, completely encircling the cave and blocking the entrance. Rabbi
Yoḥanan said to it: Serpent, serpent, open your mouth and allow the
teacher to enter and be near the disciple, but the serpent did
not open its mouth to allow him entry. He then said: Allow a colleague
to enter and be near his colleague, but still the serpent did
not open its mouth. Rabbi Yoḥanan said: Allow the disciple to enter
and be near the teacher, referring to Rav Kahana as his own teacher. The
snake then opened its mouth for him to allow him entry. (Who is
the master and who is the student is clear now.-gg) Rabbi Yoḥanan requested
divine mercy from God and raised Rav Kahana from the dead.
Rabbi Yoḥanan said to Rav
Kahana: Had I known that this was the Master’s manner of appearance, I
would not have been offended. Now let the Master come with me to the
study hall. Rav Kahana said to him: If you are able to request divine mercy
so that I will not die again, I will go with you, and if not, I will
not go with you. The Gemara comments: Since the time decreed for his
death had passed, it had passed.
Rabbi Yoḥanan then completely awakened
him and stood him up. Thereafter, he asked him about every
uncertainty that he had, and Rav Kahana resolved each of them for
him. And this is the background to that which Rabbi Yoḥanan says to
his students on several occasions: What I said was yours is in fact theirs,
i.e., I thought that the Torah scholars in Eretz Yisrael were the most
advanced, but in fact the scholars of Babylonia are the most advanced, as
evidenced by Rav Kahana’s knowledge.
I’m not so surprised that the
Babylonian Talmud would hold their scholars in higher esteem than scholars from Eretz
Yisrael. Go team!