All we can say about the Harvey Weinstein case is
“there is nothing new under the sun“ especially when it comes to sexual
impropriety and worse.
Last week’s Torah portion ends with a very strange
story. Divine beings “bnai Elohim” saw how beautiful the daughters of men were
and took wives from amongst those that please them (6: 2) Prof. Sarna in his
new JPS commentary comments on the phrase ”saw how beautiful they were” “the
implication is that they were driven by lust so that external beauty, and not
character, was there so criterion…”
This week’s Torah portion begins with ”when God saw
how corrupt the earth was, for all flesh had corrupted its ways on earth, God
said to Noah, ‘I have decided to put an end to all flesh…” (6:12- 3) The verb
corrupt is key to understanding this story for the Hebrew stem ,ja appears seven times. Rashi defines this
corruption as sexual immorality.
The rabbis didn’t have a term for sexual harassment,
but that didn’t mean it didn’t happen. Lin Farely wrote in October 18, 2017, New
York Times “It wasn’t until April 1975 that women had a word for talking about
what their male bosses were doing to them.It was
that month that I first used the phrase “sexual harassment” in public, during a hearing on women in the workplace by the
New York City Human Rights Commission, at which I was testifying as an
instructor at Cornell University. The New York Times covered the hearing in an
article that was reprinted across the country. And thus, a concept was born.”
One out of every six women have been sexually
harassed. Too many women are ashamed or afraid of reprisals to lodge
complaints. In a campaign to break the
silence in less than 24 hours more than 12 million women posted #MeTo from
countries all around the world and in every language.
The media world is staggering under all the recent
disclosures. Fox fired Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly for their sexual
harassment of women in the workplace. We have a president who has said on the
air in the past that basically he is a sexual predator grabbing women’s pussies
and going into the dressing room where teenage beauty contestants were dressing
in order to see them naked just because he could. And now we become aware of
Weinstein’s criminal behavior that has gone on for decades.
This problem won’t go away because some people write
off statements like our president’s as just boy’s locker room talk and most of
the sexual predators never pay a heavy price for their crimes. For example,
although Roger Ailes lost his job at Fox, he immediately became a senior
advisor to Pres. Trump.
Perhaps you read the article by the actress Mayim
Bialik and the pushback found in this week’s Jewish News. Even though Mayim who
dressed modestly was never harassed, the article cited too many Orthodox women
who dressed modestly and still were sexually harassed. To blame the women for
the advances of men because of the close they were seems to me a classic
example of blaming the victim instead the perpetrator.
Remember the 1970s movie Network? The news anchor
Howard Beale was going crazy starts yelling on the air “I’m mad as hell and not
going take it any longer.” That becomes a catchphrase for the common citizen unhappy
the way things were. In one scene people leaning out of their apartment windows
start shouting “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it !” I’m mad as hell
am not going take it any longer has to be our response when it comes to sexual
harassment. No one institution and nobody including religious figures is
immune. We need a zero tolerance policy to ensure the God given dignity to each
human being which means women too needs to be protected. We need to do more
than just post #MeTo. We need to yell at the top of our lungs I’m mad as hell
and I’m not going take it any longer because they are sisters, wives, and
daughters, and granddaughters.