past summer I had the good fortune of studying at the Shalom Hartman
Institute. In one of my classes Dr. Jonathan Rynhold talked to us
about the Arab-Israeli conflict in American Political culture (which
happens to the title of his book.) In his the book he discusses why
Americans, both liberal and conservative, have a more positive
attitude of Israel than Europeans. In the light of the E.U.
demanding that all Israeli imports from the West Bank be labeled that
they come from the settlements (illegal in their eyes) instead of
Israel, I thought I would share some of his conclusions to help
understand why Europe has singled out Israel for this labeling.
Reagan summed American and Israeli special relationship saying “There
is no nation like us, except Israel.” Even before the State of
Israel was a reality, Americans were in favor of Jews returning to
the Land of Israel thanks to their Protestant milleniailsm and
understanding of Biblical prophesy. Jews returning home would signal
the advent of the Second Coming of Christ. William Blackstone, a
leading American evangelist organized a petition to President
Harrison that the United States help restore Palestine to the Jews.
This petition was signed by 413 prominent Gentile Americans.1
World War I, universal national determination was a value held by
Woodrow Wilson and the rest of the country. Since Israel is the
national home for the Jewish people, America supported our return.
Even the liberal theologian Reinhold Niebuhr who rejected a literal
reading of the Bible declared: “The Jews have a right to a
homeland. They are a nation...They have no place where they are not
exposed to the perils of minority status.”2
All candidates from both parties running for the Presidency often
speak of American exceptionalism. The exception is Israel as Reagan
said. Americans see in the Zionist enterprise the same pioneering
spirit that makes America great. Being the only democratic country
in the entire Middle East reinforces America's positive
identification with Israel.
over, Americans see Israel as the only and most reliable ally in the
region. The Holocaust seared into the consciousness the pernicious
outcome of anti-Antisemitism and the commitment to Israel's survival.
Conversely, generally speaking, Americans view Muslims and Islam
itself in a negative light due to Arab terrorism after 9/11 and the
Arab countries do not share the American exceptionalism like Israel
sentiment rises and falls at any given time due to the circumstances
on the ground who is more to blame for the failure of any movement
towards a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Nevertheless, Rynhold through his analysis shows that support for
the Jewish state remains high and runs through all sub groups.
the Atlantic, European countries are more sympathetic to the
Palestinians than to the Israelis for several reasons. America is far
more religious than Europe. For the most part Europeans don't share
those Protestant millenialism world view that has shaped Americans.
Secondly, Americans are more nationalistic than Europeans. Europeans
blame nationalism for all the bloody conflicts on the continent,
especially the Two World Wars. “This is important in the Middle
East context, because Israel emphasizes its self-determination as the
nation-state of the Jewish people, the legitimacy of which the Arabs
and Palestinians reject. This leads some federalist in Europe to view
Israel's insistence on its national identity in a negative light and
as a factor inflaming the Arab-Israeli conflict.”3
America uses its military strength to protect its interests as does
Israel. Those Europeans who decry military intervention are more
anti-Israel than those who back a strong military presence.
want to put the Holocaust behind them; consequently, 40% of Europeans
think that Jews bring up the Holocaust too much.4
Moreover, because of Europe's class system and authoritarian past,
the Old Right and the Far Left are stronger in Europe than America.
The Old Right adopts a paternalistic approach to the Palestinians. In
order to protect their interests e.g. the flow of oil, the Old Right
is more sympathetic to the Arabs.
to post colonial theory, all the major problems of the Middle East
are the result of malevolent outside forces of imperialism, let by
the United States with the assistance of its 'lackeys,' such as
Israel. The West and by extension, Israel are viewed as essentially
''reactionary,' while the status
of the Third World, including Palestine, as
of colonialism' makes them essentially 'progressive.' There very
weakness and their status as victims put them in the right. Zionism
has become a code word for the
forces of 'reaction' in general, and since the end of the Cold War,
virulent anti-Israel sentiment has become a major unifying theme
among radicals within social movements and nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs) The
radical left has also been the major force behind the campaign to
impose boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) on Israel. The BDS
movement as a whole tales 'no position' on Israel's right to exist,
but its core activists are anti-Zionists opposed to Israel existence
in any borders.”5
is just the modern guise of anti-Antisemitism which the Radical left
now employs and the liberal press has been influenced. The only
national movement for self determination denied of course is Zionism.
I wonder who will buy into
the clearly anti-Semetic op-ed piece published Sunday in the official
Palestinian Authority daily al-Hayat
al-Jadida. The
paper blamed
Israel's Mossad intelligence agency for Friday's terror
attacks in Paris, suggesting they were orchestrated in order to
undermine new European moves to label produce from Israeli West Bank
settlements. Will the tragedy in Paris change Europe's view in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Only time will tell.
book, The Arab-Israeli
Conflict in American Political Culture is
a must read for all those who want to understand the lenses how
politicians, the media, and the world view Israel and understand why
the E.U. 's most recent ruling on the importation of goods from the
West Bank. We
begin to understand why
Israel is singled out and not China in Tibet, Turkey in Cyprus, and
nor Spain in the Basque region
even though those
export goods in occupied territory without any stigma.
Arab-Israeli Conflict in American Culture, page 13 All further
quotes come from this book