Why did God have to take the Jewish people out of slavery
performing great signs and wonders? Why
didn’t they rise up in rebellion as the American people did against Great
Britain back in 1776 or as the Tunisians,
Egyptians, Libyans, or Syrians are who have been fighting against their
autocratic regimes during the Arab Spring with the hope of installing a
democratic government?
Our tradition laments that the Israelites had sunk so low
that they had become accustomed to slavery and couldn’t even imagine being free
a people. Even after they were freed,
they still had a slave mentality and tried God’s patience 10 times in the
desert. Finally God decreed that that
generation would never enter the Land
of Israel. Only the generations who grew up free during
the 40 years of wandering in the desert, would be able to conquer the Land God
had promised them.
But slavery wasn’t the only thing our ancestors got used
to. In fact there was something even
worse than getting used to slavery. In
the retelling of the story of Passover, the Haggadah quotes Deuteronomy 16:
6. “And the Egyptians dealt evil with
us, and oppressed us, and imposed upon us hard labor.” Rabbi Avraham Kook was wont to pun on this
verse: “The Egyptians made us evil.
Rabbi Isaac Arieli explained how the Egyptians made us evil in his book
Midrash Ariel. The Egyptians made us evil by accustoming us to seeing
atrocities. (The Rav Kook Hagadah, p. 66-7)
The lot of a slave is terrible. He is just disposable property. To save money Pharaoh feed them matza because
it was inexpensive and a little bit goes a long way. There is only so much matza a person can eat
before he feels all clogged up. Some of
our ancestors must have wasted away for lack of a nutritious diet. If Pharaoh and his slave owners were anything
like the slave owners here in America,
they too must have raped defenseless slaves, women, men, and children depending
upon their proclivities. Finally if
slaves weren’t performing up to Pharaohs standings or meeting their quotas or
for any other reason, they were whipped and sometimes punished with death. Because
of an irrational fear, Pharaoh had all the male children thrown in the Nile
and Moses saved a kinsman from a taskmaster’s beating. Violence had seeped into the slave culture
for the very next day Moses tries to stop two Hebrews from fighting. Indeed the Israelites had become so
accustomed to atrocities they didn’t complained and accepted that way of life
as normal even with their dealings with one another.
Just yesterday we just dodged another bullet. A University of Central Florida dropout planned an attack on the campus
but committed suicide in a dorm before carrying it out, the authorities said
Monday. The man, James Oliver Seevakumaran, 30, pulled a gun on another student,
who then called police, said the university’s police chief, Richard Beary. Thanks
to the quick response of the police before he could carry out his deadly plan, Mr.
Seevakumaran shot himself in the head. Four explosive devices were found in a
backpack, and Chief Beary said he believed that Mr. Seevakumaran pulled a fire
alarm in the dorm to get other students out in the open for an attack. What could have been another Virginia Tech
tragedy, ended up with no loss of innocent life!
We have become so
accustomed to gun violence atrocities that it has become part of our everyday
culture. Just think how many gun
allusions we employ in our daily speech.
Do you stick to your guns? Do you
believe that forewarned is to be forearmed?
Have you known anybody who has gone ballistic or at least gone off half
cocked? How many of you have dodged a bullet but not in the literal sense that
I used in an above paragraph? We have
become so inured to gun violence that we have allowed our leaders enact laws
and policies that perpetuate murder.
Here are just a few examples:
In the United States, we register births,
marriages, divorces and deaths; we register cars, trucks, boats, trailers,
bicycles, houses, lands, dogs, and cats- everything but guns.
In most states, a person can buy and own a gun
without knowing how to use it and there are no requirements that gun owners be
trained in the safe operation of guns.
The Consumer Protection Act of 1972 prohibits
the Consumer Protection Commission from examining the quality or safety of any
gun or any piece of ammunition. Teddy
Bears, dolls and toy guns must pass four sets of strict regulations before they
can be sold.
States with the highest rates of death and
injuries by guns have the weakest gun laws and the largest export of crime guns
compared to other states with stronger laws.
Studies have shown that sane gun regulations
will reduce gun violence in America. During the 10 year ban on semi-automatic guns
was on the books, the murder rate dropped significantly.
In 2010 the Virginia Legislature passed a law
which permits persons to carry their guns into bars provided they do not
consume alcohol while there. State
police chiefs described this legislation as “a recipe for disaster.”
College students who have serious alcohol
behaviors are more likely to have guns with them at school. A study, based on a
nationally representative sample of more than
15,000 students at 130 4-year colleges, found students arrested for driving
under the influence are twice as likely to have guns compared with students who
have not been so arrested
More than 50% of guns acquired at crime scenes
come from 1% of gun dealers. The ATF knows who the rogue dealers are, but
present law blocks the agency from publicizing their activities or putting them
out of business.
In late 2005, the United States Congress and
President George W Bush passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce Act, which
denies victims of gun violence the right to sue manufacturers, distributors, or
dealers for negligent, reckless, or irresponsible conduct. No other industry in
America enjoys such
blanket immunity and protection.
When all
murders of civilians in all the developed countries of the world are tabulated,
86% occur in the United States.
Passover teaches us that we don’t have
to accept the status quo and can reject the notion that gun violence is just
part of our society. God has freed us both
in body and in mind. Reducing gun
violence is just as possible as our redemption out of Egypt if we would only work to end it. Demand your legislators to ban semi-automatic
guns with large clips of ammunition, to mandate background checks for all gun
purchases, and to allow Federal Agencies like the FBI and ATF share background
checks and gun tracing information to apprehend criminals.
No matter what we say or what we eat
this Passover, we won’t be truly free until we stop becoming accustom to gun
violence and do something about it. .